Poor propagation

Tonight the spread has dropped considerably with a SFI at 69-70 for at least the next 48 hours…! Solar cycles are not what they were.
Good luck and 73
Chris F4WBN


Sun spot numbers are down to 44 and might be less tomorrow. I am planning on an activation of EA2/TE-016 on Friday. Hopefully, things will be better then. :slight_smile:

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This explains that today on 20m no activator was heard. Even my friend Lars, SA4BLM was hardly heard and usually comes with S9. After all, it went quite well on 40m with same S2S.

73 Chris


You think this is bad? On this date in 2010, the A index was 55. On the 24th of last month, the K index was 8. Eight!! That’ll give you an aurora, me thinks.

Elliott, K6EL


Hi all,
The good times aren’t constant. It would be nice if we had a continuous flow of small and medium sunspots across the Sun. The bigger clusters can be great but they are there for a fortnight and gone for a fortnight. ( Roughly). And when they return they may have shrunk rather than be unchanged or have grown.

We haven’t reached the peak yet but once we do the trend will be down. Don’t throw out the 80 m antenna, you will need it soon enough.

In the meantime if this weekend and the following one are poor, the next two are likely going to be much better.
