Poor band conditions

Was just wondering is it only me or is every one in general suffering with poor conditions on hf it started approx four weeks ago and has just not seemed to get any better hope things get better soon for all you activators out there best 73
Dave M3XIE

In reply to -M3XIE:

The answer to your question is

  1. do you regularly check beacons/broadcast stations so that you know what you can hear day to day
  2. do you regularly check the solar information websites so you know if conditions are up, down or normal

If you don’t do those things on a regular basis then you don’t know how your antenna system performs so you have no benchmark to compare today’s performance against. You can’t tell if conditions are poor or if your antenna is sub-optimal in some way.

Assuming your antenna is working, start monitoring and keep some notes. That way you have something to compare against when you think that the sky might be borked.


In reply to -M3XIE:

Hi Dave

It’s the same here, very poor on 40 and 20m for a few weeks now. Low signals with QSB. 10 and 12m have being quite good over the last couple of weeks.

Hope things improve on the lower bands soon.

73 de Mick M0MDA

Same here. Too bad.
73 Viktor

In reply to HA5LV:

condx not to bad with already 12 SOTA´s today.

Have a nice day es keep listening

In reply to -M3XIE:

Yes, pretty poor here, too, but to make up for it there is some nice Es coming in from the east on ten - give it a try, low power works well for Es!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to -M3XIE:

Hi Dave,

High noise levels on the lower bands isn’t helping. Currently running S9 on 5MHz here with the Weather Chick on 5.450MHz around that level. No chance hearing anyone running an 817 to a dipole. Pleased to make it up to Caroline MM3ZCB/P on Arran on 7MHz SSB given the circumstances. We all know how brilliant it can be working with just a few watts when the bands are working well, but we have to take the bad times with the good.

Locally noise is considerably lower on 10MHz and for around Europe that would be my band of choice at the moment. Not good if, as an Activator, you want to work your own country and you don’t run CW. Time to break out the 2m beam perhaps?

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

Time to
break out the 2m beam perhaps?

If Hepburn is anything to go by, probably not just yet, Gerald.

The last lift I can remember was when Barry MW0IML and myself activated GW/NW-035 Manod Mawr last November. At 661m, we were above it :frowning:

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

If Hepburn

Es Mike, Es. It’s that time of year again.


In reply to -M3XIE:

Hi Dave - generally the same here. I dont faff around listening to beacons, broadcast stuff etc - lifes too short. As Brian said 10m is open with Es at the moment to S.E. Europe, can also hear a couple of PY`s possibly via TEP.

In reply to MM0FMF:

Andy is right.

For my part, the greatest thrill in VHF is when Es suddenly kicks in: one minute there is nothing but background noise on the 2m SSB calling channel, the next minute, just like that it is a mass of S9 signals from some part of the Mediterranean, all busy QRMing each other - its like somebody has thrown a big switch labelled “DX”! Its the same on 4m and 6m, but ten is a little different as during the season it is nearly always open to somewhere or other, but its great when you get a sudden multi-hop opening on a June afternoon and suddenly North and South America come belting in as if they are in the next street! Equally amazing is the moment when the guy with the big switch gets tired and turns them all off, or the Caribbean suddenly vanishes and VE suddenly appears. Go for Es, it’ll keep you happy until August and then the Autumn DX season will start up again on HF.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

There is ALWAYS Es on the 2m band on 1st June.

Mark my words!


Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to 2E0YYY:

I was referring to relatively local working on 2m SSB Mike - you know the sort of thing Scotland to Devon… No need for E’s over that path length. :slight_smile:

Just a suggestion for when the good old faithful 40m isn’t being faithful.

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to -M3XIE:

An improvement on 20m and above today, Dave.

Sorry about no 2m contact, I left a vital bit of the antenna in the car :frowning:

However, I’m sure you’ll settle for the HF contact :wink:

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

I have to agree there Mike. 20m seemed very lively this morning, lots of contacts with good strength signals.

The WX was meant to get wet by 1400Z but the rain started at 930Z. Not much at first, the few showery spots were being dried by the ferocious wind as fast as they fell. Then the heavens opened and I had to pull the station down and hightail it off the summit. I was annoyed as I was hoping to test a 12m antenna.

I took solace in the Laurel Tea Room and had the “mother of all bacon rolls” and a cup of coffee to warm up and dry out. But it was most annoying as I wanted to try the new antenna. Never mind.
