Planned visit to the 'Grand' Duchy

… no not Luxembourg but Cornwall.

On Saturday the 25 April I will be travelling to Cornwall for a weeks holiday. The plan is to try and activate some summits whilst I am there. Have considered Christ’s Cross G/DC-005 on the way down and Kit Hill G/DC-003 on the return, as these are both ‘drive through’ summits. During the week I thought I could do Carnmenellis G/DC-006 and Hensbarrow Beacon G/DC-004.

Days and times for any potential activations will be dependant on the plans of my new wife - oh did I mention that this will also be my Honeymoon!!! Having lost my wife 7 years ago I have found someone who is prepared to put up with my stubborn old ways and lets me ‘play’ radio to my heart content. We get married on the 24 April and travel to Taunton that evening, then onto Cornwall the next day.

I will of course alert via sotawatch and will be QRV on 60/40/20 CW/SSB plus 2 FM.



My congratulations to the two of you and I will be monitoring for you on 60.

Don’t neglect Watch Croft, the views are terrific on a fine day!


The land of expensive biscuits. :wink:

Choco Leibnitz are on special offer in ASDA right now.

And thee pastie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kitt hill DC-003 Well easy to access.

Two trigs there one about 2 ft tall the other is well break neck height a dirty great chimney stack. And on a clear day a lovely view of the Tamar into Plymouth.

Also the Birth place of the atomic bomb detection of under ground testing.

Welcome to the duchy (Kernow)


Allegedly soon to have the option of a ‘K’ after the M, G or 2 in the callsign.

From what of new licence paper work that’s turned up recently prefix K was not included.
So from the 7th April better display the new one, Only renewed it last year.

Look forwards to working some local summits for a change :smile:


Will certainly look forward to working you on 60m Brian. With regard to Watch Croft - it is an option but will depend on how far we wish to travel.


Best wishes to you both Glyn!

My wife and I visited Cornwall last year, and I activated Carnmenellis while my wife spent a couple of hours exploring Falmouth. I look forward to activating some of the others in the future :o)

I’ll be at work for most of your week, but will listen out for you if I am around.


Does that mean you can now use a GK callsign or hasn’t Cornwall’s 2nd letter been finalised yet?

Will Cornwall become a separate association from G ?? (I guess not - but the novell callsign would be nice).

73 Ed.

Sorry ED

No K issued.

Be interesting thou as MK3FEH would be interesting as people would related it to city of Milton Keynes MK .


The “inside info” I got was that the K was to be issued for special occasions, much like the A which has been available in Scotland. OFCOM were happy but some in Kernow got MPs involved and much political pressure was applied until the K announcement was made. This was from a different bit of OFCOM than that which handles our licence. There was some internal strife at OFCOM as one part was consulting on removing RSL and here another part was issuing new RSLs.

I would expect, eventually, an announcement that K will be available for special occasions… e.g. Stargazy Pie Day etc.

Of course I may be mistaken.

EDIT: I should add that having K every now and then, like we have had A seems a fine idea to me. There have been a few recent UK special prefixes, Q, O, R etc. Just don’t have them all the time otherwise the specialness wears off.