Planned Activation of EA5/MU-162 25 April 2023

If propagation conditions improve I plan to activate Cocón de Cope EA5/MU-162 tomorrow, Tuesday 25 April. Starting time is 0900 UTC and I will be using 20/17/15m SSB and CW. If conditions do not improve I will delay 24 hrs.

Posting this as I see the first activation was by Luc @ON7DQ and this may give him the chance of a complete. :slight_smile:

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Tnx for the advance warning John. Indeed I need it for complete, will look out for you!
Make sure you go to the RIGHT summit, when reaching the ridge, it’s to your LEFT , hi.
See the link to my report on the summit page.

GL 73

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Thank you Luc, I’ve read your helpful report. This time I want the summit without the vertice! :slight_smile:

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I did a short video today of our dog on the beach. The clip ends with a glimpse of tomorrow’s summit. It looks steep!

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I don’t think they can get much worse than this morning. Dire doesn’t adequately describe how bad it was.

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It was an exceptional solar from what I’ve read but things seem to be improving. My rucksack is packed! :slight_smile:

Indeed, sorry for the many repeats on 30m today Andy, but it was a really difficult copy.

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We got there in the end Carlo!

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Hahaha… no wonder it was bad… look at the A index!

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There was a bit of auroral activity here late on 23rd and early on 24th, too: This (from my meteor camera at 0317z on 24th) shows some (along with a sporadic meteor):

It was probably past sunrise here before the storm hit its peak.