Pic du Midi d'Arrens F/PO-278

Here is the activation report of the Pic du Midi d’Arrens (first activation)

After the night spent near the starting point, wake up at 06:00 breakfast then departure. A beautiful day that will start in the clouds.

It is 7:00 a.m. the time to leave for this first activation of F/PO-278 Le Pic du Midi d’Arrens which culminates at 2260 meters above sea level with an elevation gain of 1300 meters; accompanied by my brother-in-law Daniel who will be very useful to me for the delicate passages which require the use of a rope.

Beginning of hike in the forest with a lot of humidity.
Much of the ascent was done in the clouds with no visibility or well defined trail.

Finally we got out of the cloud at 2000 meters and we were able to discover a beautiful landscape with a sea of ​​clouds.

Then the delicate passage with a little climbing.

Arrived at the top, a superb view and of course no GSM network.

No problem, I installed my Sloper Enfed Trial friendly from Vibroplex; I set the KX3 to 7.180 Mhz and call once; my guardian angel F4WBN answers me immediately and reports me on Sotawatch.

After 45 minutes of activation I decide to go down with Daniel and the serious things begin; arrived on the technical passage we make two passages in abseiling then descent without problem towards the car.

A very nice day…

A moment of recovery arrived at the car with a cold beer.

Ready for tomorrow’s Rando; F/PO-081 with 1400 vertical meters…

73’ Alain


Thank you Alain for this report and the great photos of your ascencion. Who will have the courage to walk in your footsteps ?
Happy holidays in EA3 with the family !
Chris F4WBN


Stunning pics Alain :slight_smile:

Whaou superbe!
73 de Gerald F6HBI

Bonjour Alain.
Merci pour ces belles images et descriptif.
Au vu des difficultés, j’ai bien fait de ne pas tenter le diable.
Cordiales 73 et bonnes vacances bien méritées.

Bonjour Alain
Stunning photos and very well done.
Thanks for sharing this.
Take care and see you soon.
73 Ignacio

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