Photos trip PA3FYG & PA0SKP

If you are interested you can see some pictures of our trip at :

73 de Hans PA3FYG

In reply to PA3FYG:

Hi Hans, thanks for the photos.
As an OM I do not wish to roll around in the snow or climb over/under trees anymore :sunglasses: Brrrr…
Best wishes
Mike G6TUH

In reply to PA3FYG:

Hallo Hans,

Nice pictures!!


In reply to PA3FYG:
I particularly like the “Gnome” bowing to the SOTA gods of propagation …

73, Walker

Hallo Hans,

It’s nice to see those picture’s.


In reply to PA0ALW:
Hello Hans you are the strong man of SOTA carrying a ft 897 and full size cw paddle up all those summits well done.
Great pictures too .
Ian vk5cz …

In reply to VK5CZ:

The key is from Sake I am afraid hi hi, only one of my 50.000 qsos is in CW.
Bagpack is around 12 kg. but I manage. These summits were easy, I did some hole day trips in OK/OM/OE,HB9 and HB0, with 30 degrees, that is a different story.
FT897 is not the best choice, but I had it already before the SOTA virus struck me.

73 de Hans (DL,F,HB0,HB9,I,OE,OM,ON,S5,SP )/PA3FYG/P

In reply to PA3FYG:
Hans, I like your photos very much. particularly the B/W contrast in some of the snow shots. Stark. thanks for posting the link to your site.
Re your operating position, looks very hard on the knees. As Ian says, strong man!
Your key must be very light like mine, it has to be held with the other hand or it dances all over the place as you use it. Needs a solution without carrying extra weight!
Andrew VK1DA

In reply to VK1DA:
Sake PA0SKP is the CW guy, I also get tired myself just looking how he operates on his knees. It is a new key for Sake, if he likes this heavy key with a long tour I doubt.

73 de Hans PA3FYG

In reply to PA3FYG:
Mostly i find an fallen tree or a “touristseat”. But… on my knees i can write and handle my bencher!

73 Sake PA0SKP

In reply to PA0SKP:

I adopt a similar position quite a lot of the time when activating Sake. That way I can shelter my log, key and microphone from the horizontal driving rain! It is quite a good position for operating where the ground is boggy as sitting down I have ended up sitting in a pool of water because I have been too busy working the pile up to notice the rain running down my back and onto the tarpaulin that I sit on!

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to PA0SKP:

Hi Sake,

that was my operating position for many years :slight_smile: but now i have a small camping chair that is folded. much more comfortable, because some pile ups becomming bigger and you stay longer. but it is raining as Gerald wrote, operating on your knees is good to save your log and rig dry.

so, have fun with sota and hope to work you again !

73 Klaus

In reply to DF2GN:
Hallo Klaus,

I saw the nice pictures of you last activation( DM/BW-228). You uses indeed a small camping chair! An eye-opener for me hihi,thank you. Thank you also for your recommandation.
When it’s raining i use an umbrella and a raincape, but as Gerald wrote, working on your knees keep things dry, special the Bencher you have to keep dry! One drop water and… no cw hihi.

Also have fun with Sota! and ofcourse we work you again!

73 Sake

In reply to VA6MCB:
Hallo Walker,

I did it indeed hihi.
But there was not a sit at all, so …

Have fun with SOTA!

In reply to VK5CZ:
Hallo Ian,

It is a great pity we do not worked you! We were sometimes early in the morning, and i listen 0n 14 mhz!!
Tks for the QSO’s summit to summit from DL to VK!!