Phil ZL3CC formerly ZL2VTH

When first coming to this site I joined under the name ZL2VTH which was the original call sign allocated to me back in 1996. Having moved to another location within the country I applied for a different call sign to better reflect my locale. I was allocated ZL3CC. It wasn’t until after receiving it that I came aware of the previous owner, Andrew White and his significance in the ZL community and his early work in establishing and promoting SOTA into ZL. Sadly, Andrew is a SK and out of respect to Andrew I held back using his former call sign.

Recently, having met and talked to other ZL’s who knew and worked with Andrew I have been encouraged by them to start using the call sign. Many who knew him have expressed the sentiment that Andrew would have wanted his old call sign being used, especially in SOTA, rather than languishing on some government database.

So I have spoken with MT and they have done the necessary in their database so that I am now known here as ZL3CC. This Sunday when I attempt another activation I will start using ZL3CC on the air and that shall be my call sign going forward.

Phil ZL3CC


I think it is lovely that this callsign will be heard from summits again. Most fitting that it ended up with another SOTA activator.

Back in 2017 Andrew was kind enough to answer my request for assistance to complete 1 activation on South Island as we travelled around for just over 3 weeks. (Not forgetting my thanks also to the Activators I met earlier in the trip in Australia and NZ North Island).

Andrew picked us up from where my hired campervan was parked and we had an hour or so together on ZL3/CB-822 (Tauhinukorokio/Mount Pleasant) on 30/11/2017, before he raced off to a family engagement. What a thoroughly nice man, making time for a visiting SOTA activator. I was stunned to hear he had passed away.

I’m sad to say this is the only picture my wife took including Andrew as it was a bit of a rush getting the activation done.

Good SOTA Phil!
