Pete/ WH6LE, is now Mountain Goat

Congratulations to Pete for achieving Mountain Goat today. I think Pete has a lot of determination. Last year, while climbing for an activation, Pete had a heart attack. Fortunately, he was with another climber; Pat KI4SVM. All the right things happened and Pete was life flighted off the mountain and had open heart surgery. After some R&R, he started activating again. I only know Pete as a chaser, sitting at home in a warm shack. So I have to admire his determination. Hats off to you OM and keep on truckin! Enjoy your day! 73 de Scotty

In reply to KG3W:

Congrats Pete. That is quite an accomplishment, quite a comeback from last year, and quite a story. Sounds to me like u are doing great! I hope to work u from many summits over the coming years.

73 Pete

Way to go Pete! Well done, Congratulations… BAA…

Congrats Pete! Thats quite a bit of determination given your health last year! Godd job OM!
Mike W6AH

Great job Pete! I enjoyed working you 28 times in the last year! Will be looking for you on many more summits.
73, Walt NE4TN

In reply to KG3W:
Agree with with first post. Impressive achievement Pete. We are pleased to have done an activation with you and having done some, we can realize what it takes to get to MG and that we will never do it. Congratulations! Thanks also for ssb so we could share in the event.
Merle and Herm

In reply to KG3W:
Thanks for your comments but I want to clarify one point.
True, I had a heart attack while hiking up Mt Rogers, Pat KI4SVM was with me and instrumental in “saving the day’,” and I was medevacuated by helicopter to Bristol ,Va.
The operation though was NOT open heart surgery but rather placing a stent within the right coronary artery which was 100% occluded. Not to pole vault over mouse turds, but inserting a stent is a much less invasive procedure requiring minimal recovery when compared to open heart procedures.
I guess my point is that my rebound was a bit of a personal achievement, it by no means was a Herculean achievement.

All Chasers!
You’ve made this a wonderful journey for me and I truly look forward to QSOs with all on every activation. This is a great “sport” that enables one not only to improve their portable operation skills, but also to refine land navigation skills and get into the great outdoors.

In reply to WH6LE:

“Not to pole vault over mouse turds” - That’s a good one Pete, hadn’t heard it before but I’m going to start using it, LOL. I think you’re being too modest, becoming Mountain Goat is quite an achievement even for people with healthy hearts. Congratulations!


Eric KU6J

Free SOTA Spot Monitor Software + RBNGate FAQ:

In reply to WH6LE:
Way to go Pete. I never doubted you’d put the MG trophy on the mantle.
Keep it going OM.


Congrats to my good friend, Pete! And what a strong finish with 19 activations in the last month! Since that fateful day, Pete has been a trooper for sure. I had never hiked with Pete before that day so it is an unfair comparison, but he is certainly faster than he was on that particular day! :wink: We have shared many SOTA adventures over the last 10 months and I am always glad to share the trail and a summit with him.

Keep on trucking, Pete!

73 and welcome to the herd, pat - KI4SVM

In reply to KI4SVM:
Way to go Pete. It’s always great to work you. Keep up the good work.

Phil, NS7P


Congrats on FB achievement, well deserved. Thanks for being in my logbook so many times!

John N0EVH

Pete … Congratulations and well deserved.
Thanks for the cw qso’s over the last couple of years.


In reply to KG3W:
Way to go Pete, Always good working you on CW. Keep up the Great Job.
73 de W4DOW
#1 Chaser in W4V

In reply to WH6LE:

Congrats Pete! Great recovery (thank you God!) and an inspiration to all of us.

73, Bill W4ZV

Well done Pete.
Welcome to the club. You have to work hard to join that one!
73, John G4YSS

In reply to G4YSS:
Thanks to all for the nice comments and am really humbled to be a part this fine group of radio enthusiasts.
I’ll work you all soon from another summit!

In reply to WH6LE:

Congrats Pete! I just got back in town and read the news. Well done young man!

73, Barry N1EU

In reply to KG3W:
Congrats Pete on achieving Mountain Goat status. Glad Pat was with you last year when you tried pole vaulting over those mouse turds and stumbled. Keep on having fun and watch out for those turds. Some can be pretty large at times. Thanks for all the contacts and points. Take care of yourself.

Gary A. - W0MNA