does anyone know if permission is required to activate Erbeskopf, DM/RP-158? A note by ON6UU on the summit info states that as there is a radar on the summit permission is required, but no details of how to seek permission.
As far as I know, permission is not required as there is plenty of room to activate within the AZ without encroaching on the radar installation. I see there has already been 86 activations. Edit, was going to insert a flikr image but can’t without including my login details. Maybe because I’m using a mobile phone.
unfortunately the situation is still not clear.
The contest crew DF4T has put some effort in getting a permission in 2016 to set up their contest station on Erbeskopf. They use cars, trailers, tents and scaffolding as seen in the background of their website. According to the Bundeswehr, the German military, such installations require a permit on Erbeskopf.
With all the effort required to get the permit some of the DF4T-guys now estimate the Erbeskopf their exclusive operating site and they fear any bad behaviour of other radio operators could lead to withdrawal of their permit. They asked me as DM association manager whether I could publish a note not to activate DM/RP-158 but I refused.
The requirement for a permission seems to boil down to the question whether you set up an “Anlage” in the legal way, propably translated installation. The scaffolding of DF4T is an installation in the legal way. To @DK9JC John’s and my understanding a SOTA station is not.
@DK9JC the DM/RP region manager has sent a letter to the Bundeswehr department, DF4T was in contact with, to clarify whether a typical SOTA station requires a permit or not. But even after one month he is still waiting for an answer.
So still we do not have an official statement whether a permit is necessary, anyway.
Just two stories about radio activities on Erbeskopf:
Some CB-radio op has set up his station up on Erbeskopf (in February 2018) with his recreational vehicle and some antennas. He was driven away by the police and some guys from military were telling him he was disturbing their work.
Other activators did not have any trouble during recent activations as the more than 80 in the past.
Unfortunately this limitation - if there is really any - is not only within the fences of the military area but also on the complete mountain top 1 km outside of the fence.
I was up there last summer (2017) and didn’t see anyone official anywhere. The place was deserted. Only people I saw were other tourists up for the view and sculpture.
I operated next to the wooden viewing tower that is 100m or so SW of the perimiter gates for the radar site. I could easily have been observed and no one came over.
After getting in touch with the German military Bundeswehr the situation turns out to be more complicated than @DK9JC and me expected in the beginning. The legal definition of an installation according to the Bundeswehr may in fact cover every antenna set up. In the current state an explicit permit for every activation of Erbeskopf seems to be required. @DK9JC is in negotiation with the Bundeswehr to get such a permit. In order not to spoil this negotiations no activations of Erbeskopf should take place currently.
I have put an explanation and warning notice on the summit page
A new version of the application form is available effective 24.08.2019. This one allows filling in the data using you PDF-viewer. The date and signature still have to be done by hand.
There are no changes regarding the contents apart from the field for the callsign.