Pda logging

In reply to G0HIO:
The only software I have come across is written for a Palm PDA. It is still available for download from the files section of the ‘old’ Yahoo reflector website. I think GM4TOE is the author, and he is using it on the hills as evidenced by the photo on the front page of a recent Radcom, hi!
So might be worth contacting him.
73 de Ken

In reply to G0HIO:
Just a note of caution. I once tried logging on a Psion (which actually has a decent keyboard) and it was a disaster. The main problem was QRM from the processor - I had to switch off during contacts, which slightly defeats the object. My Pocket PC also generates hash; you probably wouldn’t notice it in the shack but it’s a bit different out on a hill.

Also bear in mind that it’s yet another thing to keep safe and dry; most PDAs aren’t particularly robust. They can be hard to use one-handed. It may be hard to make odd notes - e.g. fragments of callsigns heard in a pileup. Personally I think (waterproof) paper is far better; there are ways of keeping it under control.

Don’t let this put you off getting a PDA though. There are loads of radio-related uses. For example I have a copy of my entire log on mine for reference, along with repeater lists, summit lists, and all sorts of reference documents.

In reply to G0HIO:

I wrote an excel spreadsheet for logging on my PDA but I found that entering the information was a bit fiddly. If the weather is too rough for paper I still use the PDA (in its waterproof case with a window you can write through) but just write freehand with the pointer into the “notes” pages. I still have to transcribe it later but it does work.


James M0ZZO

In reply to M1MAJ:

The main problem was QRM from the processor

The PDA Barry uses is a Palm V ISTR. These achieve their huge battery life by suspending the processor when it isn’t doing anything. This means that when you start it, the processor will run whilst the screen is drawn and the logger databases are opened. As soon as the log program is waiting for input then the processor is suspended. Only the LCD will be displayed. This will drastically cut down the noise generated. Once you tap on the screen, the processor starts and processes the taps/strokes and then will suspend. So you can have the PDA active but actually it isn’t! The suspend model in the Palm is much more aggressive than in modern PDAs.

Most modern PDAs try to do the same, but the 68k based Dragonball CPUs in the older Palms were much better at this suspending lark this that the modern ARM based PDAs that are current. Also if your top CPU speed is 20MHz as opposed to 300-700MHz, then there’s much less transient energy about too.

Personally I think (waterproof) paper is far better;

Yup! I have two pencils and some paper. Ordinary paper for when it’s dry and some waterproof paper for those special occasions. Lower QRM too!


In reply to G0HIO:

Thanks for all the input, is waterproof paper easy to come by? I may try that

To paraphrase Star Wars and the great Obi Won…

“Use the search Luke” :slight_smile:


Of course Richard at Sotabeams has some too.



I must get myself some more. I am now on my 3rd waterproof notebook out of my pack of three I ordered in 2003. So approximately two years and 150 activations to fill a pad. They are brilliant with a pencil. A link for those I use is in the topic Andy mentions above.