Episode 226 - Paul Gacek - W6PNG Along with a successful career in California hightech, Paul Gacek, W6PNG, became an amateur radio operator. Finding that ham radio challenged his mind and created opportunity to learn new things, Paul discovered SOTA, Summits on the Air, and operating from the field. California has over 4000 SOTA peaks, and that is a good start for W6PNG, my QSO Today.
Thanks Ed for making the community aware of the podcast, seemed far to self serving if I had done it!
Joking aside, I hope it helps to bring more awareness to our collective passion.
I fell into SOTA initially through seeing Steve’s (WG0AT) Youtube videos and it would have been as easy to not become aware of SOTA and miss out entirely.
Yes Paul,
For one of the most active (and I don’t mean just physically) parts of the Amateur Radio hobby SOTA perhaps doesn’t get as much notice as it should.
I look forward to listening to the interview while taking the dog on her morning walk today (I get the notification about Eric’s interviews some hours before the Podcast file is available for download).