Pat WW4D Most SOTA Completes in USA

Congratulations to Pat WW4D now has the most SOTA Completes in the USA! 7 completes last month and now at 321 on 2023 New Year! Dan NA6MG is only 2 SOTA Completes behind Pat at 319!


Very impressive. I have only surpassed 100 completes recently.


Incredible achievement! That is a lot of SOTA operation and mileage. Congratulations to Pat and Dan. Bob, I don’t think you’re very far behind!

73 es HNY
Jonathan “JB”

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Congrats! Glad to have been with you on W2/GC-054 last year for the complete.
Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV


Outstanding Pat and Dan. That’s a lot of chasing and activating.

Gary A. - W0MNA

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Well done Pat and Dan!

All Best, Ken

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Congratulations, Pat. Always great to work you and hear you on the radio.
73 Gary

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That is awesome!
Scott NZ4R

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Nice work Pat! And I like your new callsign… very similar to another guy that I know :laughing:



Well done Pat, and Dan!

Andy, N4LAG

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Congratulations guys. I hope that I’ve helped with a few of those!


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Outstanding! 73!

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Thats awsome, keep it goin!!

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Congratulations Pat! That’s a lot of BOTM - Butt On The Mountain! You set the standard for the rest of us.
Dean ~ K2JB


Well, after my New Year’s Day activation yesterday, make that 322 completes! :rofl: I think that like many of us that have been obsessed with SOTA for a long time, SOTA Completes and Uniques (I like to think of them as future-completes) are major motivators for my SOTA activities. The best thing about Completes is that it shows that SOTA is a team sport and completes just wouldn’t be possible without other activators providing the opportunity to chase these summits. I am very thankful for all the activators providing chases and S2Ss with these summits.

The only thing better than a complete is something that I call a Super Complete. My first one was a random occurrence but I have had many since the first. During a QSO with Bruce-W2SE (SK) from a summit in Pennsylvania we discussed meeting up for an activation that afternoon since his QTH was along my route to New Hampshire. We ended up at Palisades HP- W2/NJ-009 where I realized that I had chased Bruce on that summit previously. So, a Super Complete was born and is when you activate a summit in the company of an activator that you had previously chased on that summit (usually meeting in person for the first time). I have met so many great people through SOTA on the air and it is great to share an activation with them when possible.

I have a long list of potential completes and uniques already planned for this year, so I should be quite busy driving and activating this year!

73, pat - ww4d


Thanks, Bob! The road trips to your W1 Campouts have provided me many completes. With all of the S2Ss that we have had over the years, I think I should just move to NH and really start picking off some more completes!

Thanks! I really enjoyed the hike and super complete on West Mtn. I look forward to the next joint activation!

Hahaha, Darryl - WW7D - my brother from another callsign area mother! I knew when I applied for the call that it might cause some confusion in the pile-ups - and I wasn’t wrong! :rofl: Being mistaken for Darryl is not a bad thing by any means though. It is kinda funny when we chase an activator right after each other and they are probably thinking “Did I hear that right?”

Thanks, Ken! You have certainly helped me in my quest for completes. I have a few of your first activations on my short list for this year and I hope that I can give both of us completes on them.

73, pat - ww4d


Congratulations, Pat! Cheers!

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Congratulations Pat - 322 now and counting - best wishes from Ariel NY4G

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Congratulations, Pat! Keep up the incredible work! Hopefully we will give you some more completes from out-of-the-way summits in 2023!

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