Panoramic path on Mt. Barro

Having an unaspected afternoon off, I made the rucksack in a hurry with sota parts. it was some time that I want to cross the north ridge of Mt Barro I/LO-291, a steep track and panoramic with some passages to rocks. this area have a microclima that favors the grow of particular plant: orchids, gentiens, buttercup and others. I parked to San Michele, a small village with an incompleted curch dating from to the 16th century. I walked to Pian Sciresa, sasso della vecchia, here I took the left and climb up the path, I took some breaks for pic some flowers and panorama. The flora is late due to the cold clime.

before the last meters from the top there is a hard step, it is necessary climb down abt 5 meters holding with the hands, I prefered to put the rucsack on the ground. I reached the summit and I installed the antenna in the north angle. I realized that I forgot food and drink, the adapted bnc plug in 4mm., the peg for the fishing pole, the hat for protect from the sun and the microphone. one real disaster!!

I used a efhw for 10mt, I worked 60-17-15-12-10 cw. I exchanged some IMs with @IK2LEY Fabio during the activation, thanks for the support; after 30 minute under the sun and only 8qsos in the log, I was worn out. I decided to climb down from the path " sentiero di mezzo" that is present a little fountain. here I helped a tourist that had lost the group. I reached San Michele closing the loop path in 4 hours.
Thanks at All