Pacific Northwest Not-Quite-Fourteener S2S

To encourage Pacific Northwest activators to get to a summit during the SoCal SOTAFEST and the Ham 14’er S2S events, I cobbled together a new event…

The First Annual
Pacific Northwest Not-Quite-Fourteener
aka the PNW NQF

The PNW NFQ is focused on S2S contacts with all the activators that will be out on those big point summits in California, Arizona, and Colorado, not to mention all of us PNW ops hanging out on our favorite, often somewhat less prominent, hills!

There’s not much to it… no logo, no website, very little organization but you can find more info on the PNWSOTA website here. Send an email to info at qrpdx dot org if you have questions.

73 Bill K7WXW