Out on the wily, windy moors - GM/ES-060

We have Youtube Premium for the family. With 3 “men” and an occasional YL viewer, it makes sense. Without YouTube, I wouldn’t have found Fraser’s excellent videos!

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Pressendye from Tarland?

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As an iPhone user, do I have to watch @MM0EFI videos with ads or is the only solution to cough up more money in the direction of google/YT… I checking brave for my mac.

@MM7RVC Thanks for the s2s yesterday, great report and it was a good pileup! Weather certainly much better than north wales!

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Many thanks to you as well. I’m well and truly hooked now.

I travel quite a bit for work and the ability to download YouTube stuff makes flying a little less painless.


strong text

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OK, seriously, if you want freedom of choice then don’t buy into the walled garden. iPhones have many advantages over other phones but getting to run the software you want on your device bought with your money is not one of them. Well maybe that will be changing with the ability in the EU to install software from places other than the Apple Store. Whether that applies in the UK, I don’t know since we decided having pints of wine and blue passports was more important than being a member of a trading block with 448m members.


Great choice :ok_hand:

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Bully for you!

Thats fair, but a choice I made almost 15 years ago. The option of portalog or whatever it is called is tempting i have to say. I haven’t found an iPhone app to log and its annoying. I turn off predictive text and use notepad is the best i can muster.

I had to google the Kate Bush ref/song :grimacing:


Congratulations on your first HF activation. I was too late to catch you for a s2s from GM/SS-104 yesterday. You had gone to 20m by the time I had set up and I couldn’t hear you at my location.


Worth getting an android device solely for VK Port-a-Log. If you do a lot of SOTA, which you seem to, there’s nothing better. Where else can you self-spot, log and also enter S2S calls with one screen tap? Uploading an adif is simple and I often do it before I leave the summit.


I got addicted. :rofl:. I may see if i can get a cheap android on the second hand shop to give it a try. I assume adif is upload direct to the sota DB ? Thats probally worth that alone.

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Mine just steam over - it’s a sensual world…


On iOS HAMRS seems to work reasonably well for me… and combined with SOTA Goat they do what I need at a summit. PS +1 for the Kate Bush reference !

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My problem with singers is that I listen as a musician, from the bass up, comprehending the progressing weave of musicians through to the singer as another thread near the top of the weave, and that does not leave much computing power to take in the words. This is a pity in some cases because Kate Bush (like Tatiana of Jinjer) writes really fine poetic lyrics. I have to read their lyrics later to appreciate how well the music reflects them. It doesn’t hurt that she was a good-looking young woman, but attractive singers have always been a dime a dozen, the real deal - performer and creator with real depth - comes once in a generation if we are lucky.

It has become my ear-worm for the day! :laughing:

I’m back with the advertless from this morning - my son alerted me to ublock origin, it’ll work until youtube catches up with it!

So despite me telling you I was using uBlock Origin some 23 posts back, you rubbished what I said. Priceless.

Frankly, Andy, I couldn’t make head or tail of what you were saying. Yes, going back I can see that you mentioned ublock origin, along with ghostery and noscript, but with less brevity on your part I might have caught on at the time. My task for this evening is to find out what ghostery and noscript do, I’m sure I will need the assistance of a large Glenfiddich! :wink:

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