Other Random SOTA Encounters

Ed K1RID’s post on random SOTA op encounters got me thinking about all the strange people and animals I’ve come across in my lifetime of seeking summits. There was the guy with the parrot in a cage on his backpack going up the cables on Half Dome. Then there was the late, great dirtbag mountaineer Fred Beckey with two drop-dead gorgeous young oreads on my way up Mt.Muir.

So what is your strange, wonderful and notorious encounter other than another SOTA operator?


This one happened last year on Saddle Peak above Malibu:


Not sure what these are in American English but in Greece they refer to nymphs - or am I being thick :innocent:

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As you might say: spot on. :wink:

Besides hikers wearing fashionable street clothing and footwear on challenging hikes, my fav so far was on Copple Crown W1/NL-005. I was hiking up with my family and came across a young man in chain mail hacking at a downed tree with a broad sword. He was practicing for some medieval faire! Nice guy. We gave him plenty of space.


How very Outlander.