Only one in GM today....

I had a short notice opportunity for a sota summit activation today.
It had to be by bus since the car was in use by the rest of the family and it’s definitely not MC/SOTA weather. The bus dropped me at Silverburn and I walked back about half a mile to the layby and headed up Scald law GM/SS-125. The cloudbase was supposed to be above 550m in the morning but by the time I got there it was probably at about 450m asl.
The path was mostly packed snow and a wee bit slippy until I fitted my snowgrips.
It took a wee bit longer than previous visits.

I got to the top and there was wind and cloud but I set up my shelter on the lee side of the hill and set up the HF dipole and flowerpot for 2m. I had a good run of chasers on 2m all over the central belt. Switching to 40m got me an s2s to MW7MWZ and MW7RTB on GW/NW-076.
15m brought in some regular European chasers and a couple of non sota qso’s.
Then the wind got really blowy and it was time to pack up.
By this time the snow had gone soft and the descent was quite treacherous.
A quick check of the Alerts and Spot log didn’t show any other GM summits active today, I can see why !
Only bit of wildlife today was a solitary grouse which stayed put as I passed it.

Good to get out though.


I listened for you today, couldn’t copy you on 2m, heard Steve MM0XPZ work you. Missed you on 40m and couldn’t hear you on 15. Good work considering the conditions.


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Thanks for trying, I think Steve MM0XPZ was furthest on 2m but there were definite gaps where closer chasers were blanked by the hills.
I had setup station just a little below the top on the Eastern side of the hill to try and get some shelter from the wind.

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Yes, that’s the case for the Pentland hills. The wind forced me onto the south-eastern flank of the hill, so I got no calls from any of the Edinburgh or Glasgow ops. All my contacts were down in England with Don G0RQL being the farthest away.

A nice hill and I can see why Andy FMF goes there time and again. :smiley: