Old Pultney

OK, since I got so much information regarding the posthumous gift of Old Pultney from my good friend Lee, K6LQT SK, I thought I’d conclude with the results.

I took the advice to sip instead of admire to heart and opened the bottle. Much more flavorful than what I call Domestic Scotch Whisky … Cutty Sark comes to mind in that genre. I tend to know those of my friends who enjoy a good Scotch, so, for those who visited, I shared a bit. Universal comment was … “Wow, that’s Scotch Whisky!” I finally sipped the last tonite. RIP Lee, and thanks!

So thanks for the info and advice. Who would have thought that Summits On The Air had such cultural breadth. :grinning:


Skip, K6DGW

A fine way to remember an old friend. I hope you’d managed a few drams with him before his departure.
And now you’ve got the taste I’ll commend you to try some Irish whiskeys!

My local supermarket had Old Pultney on offer recently so I have (yet another) bottle in store.

Redbreast is a particularly nice Irish Malt Whiskey that I had a few times in Dublin last October. Irish Malt Whiskeys are similar to Scotch Malts but also very different. All that matters is you like them: Scotch, Irish, Japanese, Welsh, whatever.

I had a sample of an award winning Japanese malt at the airport on the way to Lanzarote, I can’t remember the name other than it began with a Y but it too was delightful albeit expensive.

I have recently wandered off into British Whisky from a new venture The Lakes Distillery in Cumbria, They won’t have any of their own malt available for some time, but I had an opportunity last week to taste it straight from the still and then a sample at just one year of maturation. It is coming on well but it is another 9 years till the final product - I can’t wait!

Just to prove that I can resurrect old threads with the best of them… Also highly appropriate, since good whiskys don’t notice the passage of a mere 5 years.

I finished my Welsh Penderyn last week, so had a pleasant choice of unopened Scottish or Irish examples.

and the winner (in a hotly contested decision)…

Bowmore 18 yr old. Unfortunately due to lock down, I can’t share it with any of you. :grin:

So, what are you selflessly supping tonight?

Who? Me?

I’m on a Badger Cranborne Poacher at the moment, with an Old Crafty Hen lined up to wash it down and a McEwan’s Champion No.1 to finish. Should sleep OK tonight :slight_smile:


I enjoyed mine a few years back.

Well the 12yr is rather wonderful so the 18yr old should be delicious.

I finished an Old Pultney the other week, one in the old bottles and oval boxes not the new square boxes. Also there was a glass and half of Laphroaig left and it seemed a shame to leave it, it might have gone off! There’s Bowmore 12yr is at the 1/3rd full level. I’ve been partaking of other spirits recently. I’ve had to give up Martinis (1/3rd Gin, 2/3rd Vermouth) as the sugar in the Vermouth pushed my blood sugars up too high. Someone gave me a bottle of Drambuie for my birthday and it’s lovely but if Vermouth pushed my sugars to a level high enough I had to consider what to do to recover the situation then Drambuie pushes them to nearly full scale on the sugar test meter. It’s going to have to be used in Christmas Cooking etc. Gin has reverted to Gin, cucumber slice and tonic but Mexico’s finest now has a shoe-in. Tequila, on it’s own with ice is a pleasant drink.

I’ll go and have a rummage later and see what suggests itself.

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Just getting to the end of a Glenfiddich Solera Fifteen. Such a delight!

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I picked up a 70cl bottle of Glen Moray peated at Sainsbury’s for £18 yesterday.

I’m desperate to try The Balvenie Caribbean Cask but I can’t bring myself to part with the cash!

My old favourite of Jura Superstition is now discontinued :frowning: The bottles I had in the cupboard are long since enjoyed.

I picked up a miniature whilst I was in the fancy beer shop in York the week before lockdown, it was Ledaig - I’d heard that Ledaig was nothing special but I’m very fond of the Isle of Mull and Tobermory is the only distillery I’ve had a look around. I actually quite enjoyed the Ledaig, it was easy drinking.

The joy of whisky comes in the story I think, it’s the power of transporting you back to a certain time or place.


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Once you start, you can’t stop. It’s very om-nom-nom-nom-nom!

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‘Opinion’ is over-rated. I’ve always enjoyed On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, no matter what ‘people’ say about George’s performance. Enjoy what you like.

Diana Rigg
Jenny Hanley
Helena Ronee
Ingrid Back
Anouska Hempel
Sally Sheriden
Sylvanana Henriques
Mona Chonge
Julie Ege
Catherine Schell

What’s not to like there?

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I think there were some male actors too :nerd_face:

Were There? I don’t remember…

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