OE5LXR Alexander is a MG

It somehow slipped my attention - my appologies Alex :man_bowing:

I would like to congratulate Alexander OE5LXR for reaching his first Mountaingoat :goat: back in August 2024 during his activation of summit DM/BM-271 Eschenberg

He designed his own Mountaingoat logo for his website to celebrate the event:

The goat looks very happy :smiley: - as it should :clap:

All activation done QRP:

Here in action on summit Lindaumauer

He is into programming, drones, robotics and shares his SOTA adventure on this own website with pictures, tracks and information:

while also finding time to spend with his family.

Please everyone join in to congratulate him!
73 Joe


Congratulations Alexander on achieving Mountain Goat.

Jimmy M0HGY


Hey Alex @OE5LXR,
congratulations on achieving Mountain Goat! And a big thumbs-up for your homepage! Whenever I plan an activation, the first thing is to check if you have any photos from the summit.

Iยดm already looking forward to our next QSO (our last S2S was yesterday!).

Michael OE5GBM


Congratulations Alexander @OE5LXR on your first mountain goat :goat: Continue to have fun, enjoy your activities and stay healthy.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Congratulations Alexander!


Congratulations Alexander!

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Hi everyone and thank you for your kind wishes :bowing_man: . They are much appreciated :wink:

Reaching mountain goat was a 7 seven year endeavour for me and Iโ€™d like to thank everyone whoโ€™s chased me and made this possible. Also a big thanks for the OE5 SOTA community for helping me getting started and staying with SOTA :wink: Since there are many more people to thank in detail I wrote up a blog post over at my blog.

@OE5GBM Yes, indeed, and I hope for many more S2S QSOs :wink:

Concerning my SOTA Tour database Iโ€™ve started exporting my collected GPS tracks as well as selected summit pictures to SOTA databases (by which I mean uploading GPS tracks to sotamaps.org and selected summit pictures to sotl.as) so that everyone can easily profit from my collected data.

Thank you everyone again,
Looking forward to many more years of SOTA,
All the best, Alex, OE5LXR

PS: The mountain goat logo was designed by Claudia Riveros, which is the artist I work with for all graphic content creation for my company :wink: .