I’m afraid I’ve had to change my summit to a lower summit nearby in OE6; it was forecasting snow on the Hochkar. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to the dinner afterwards. Fingers crossed the weather doesn’t get any worse. :crossed_fingers:
73 de OE6FEG

I had planned to take part, but I’ll be receiving my second Covid booster shot this evening (Thursday) which, if the first one is anything to go by, will certainly leave me groggy on Saturday morning and in no condition to climb the stairs in my apartment building, let alone get up a SOTA summit!

Good luck to everybody, and “Daume drücken” that the weather stays OK on the day.


Sorry to hear that your will not be able to attend the meeting. But maybe a S2S will be possible …

73 Martin, OE5REO

Hi Matt,
I am carrying QSL cards for you …… any instruction will be useful :blush:

73, Jarek

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Oh no, what a shame! Can you just give them to your local QSL buro please, I don’t mind the wait. Sorry I can’t pick them up in person. The snow seems to be lessening, but the wind is picking up on the north side of the alps. I hope it works out ok for your activation.
73 de OE6FEG

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I’m planning on being high in the Lake District G/LD-011 early tomorrow morning to work some OE stations for S2S. It probably won’t have escaped most folks attention that the SOTA LD weekend happily coincides so there will be ample S2S opportunities throughout the day.

Best of luck everyone, Mark.

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“Daumen drücken”,
sorry, it doesn’t help :slightly_frowning_face:

This year without me :frowning_face:
Good luck to all of you out there!
73, Mario DJ2MX

Vamos ententar contacto, Pero si puedes 28, 21 y 14mhz para nosotros és bueno.


There is supposed to be a rain gap between 9:00-12:00 in Palatinate.
So will try to activate DM/RP-325. Hope to work many OE stations.


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…at around 4:20 am, right? :rofl:

Of course I will :blush:

Greetings from Losenstein :blush:

See You all tomorrow first on S2S, then here :blush:

73, Jarek


Depending of the weather, I will be qrv from DM/BW-018.

73, Peter DL/ON4UP

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Losenstein by night :blush:

73, Jarek


I plan to activate Mt Stromlo on 20m SSB from 0600 to 0800 UTC. Sunset is at 0800 UTC and there is a chance of rain here in VK1.

I will be looking for S2S opportunities.

Let’s hope for a long path opening on 20m.

73, Andrew VK1AD.


Andrew might give it a try. Hopefully the condx are fine.


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The last drops of rain were still falling this morning as I headed up Eggenberg OE/ST-484. I chose this summit not just because the forecast was better in the south of Austria, but because there is a hut at the summit with a sheltered area from which to operate:

The Holzhackerhütte also has plenty of room for antennas in the vicinity. I soon had my flowerpot antenna up and the linear connected. It was luxury to operate with a table and chair:

Unfortunately, being lower down was not as good for FM as Hochkar would have been. I got much better contacts south than to the north. Peter OE6PID and Barbara OE6BID were on the Madereck OE/ST-287. But even though they were only 30km away, and I was running 60W, it still wasn’t possible to get the S2S as the signal just kept breaking up. Although the weather had taken its toll on of the number of activators, the log didn’t look too bad by the end:

Lessons learned for next year: get to a nice high pointy summit and try to get the antenna a bit higher up. I look forward to participating next year, hopefully with more favourable WX.
73 de OE6FEG/P


On OK/US-003 (Alt.950m) tody heavy rain, wind and temperature 6°C . The roof of shelder with many holes and water dropping in my eqipment. The paper logbook is wet.
Only 8 QSOs in 2 hours: ODX 200km , no QSO to OE . I heard serveral times OE5FFE/p on OE/SB-204 with 55, but he dont herd me! He said in a other QSO: freezing rain. So i can understand that we had no qso. Ich dont herd other activators in on OE-Summits.
I hop for better weather 2023. An activation 2m-FM with DX-QSOs (200-300km 2020) is a great joy for me.


Hi Matt,

Many thanks for S2S QSO :exclamation:

Shelter is important for sure :wink:

Thanks to activators and chasers for funny day :slight_smile:

Meeting in person new SOTA Friends was the cherry on the cake of today :champagne:

Many thanks :muscle:

73, Jarek


20m long path propagation was open at 0600 UTC and started to fade around 0730 UTC. My sunset was at 0800 UTC, 1800h local time.

S2S QSOs included Herbert OE9HRV/P, Andrew VK1DA/P, John VK6NU/P and Hartwig DL7BC/P.

I also made my first contact with an amateur radio operator at Casey Base, Warren VK0WN.

Mike 2E0YYY/P was operating portable in a local park.

Countries worked via long path propagation: Finland, UK, Sweden, Austria, France, Spain and Germany.

Radio: FT857D @ 20 watts.

SOTA log:

20m 1/4 wave GP with 4 elevated radials:

Thank you to all activators and chasers.

73, Andrew VK1AD


I heard you Andrew whilst on G/LD-011 when you were calling SOTA but had big QRM very close to frequency.

Congratulations on your SOTA DX. Maybe next time. Mark.