This year’s OE5 SOTA DAY will take place on Saturday, September 19th.
More details will follow soon …
73 Martin, OE5REO
This year’s OE5 SOTA DAY will take place on Saturday, September 19th.
More details will follow soon …
73 Martin, OE5REO
It is our plan to hold this year’s OE5 SOTA DAY as planned.
But due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis right now it is not possible to predict what’s going to happen exactly with the event this year.
The OE5 SOTA DAY could take place as usual, but also a downgraded version (activations without meeting afterwards) or even a complete cancellation is possible.
I will continue to inform you about further desicions …
73 Martin, OE5REO
Hi Martin,
I had hoped that the situation would be back to (near) normal in 5 months from now. I think it is still too early to make a final decision on OE5-SOTA-Day.
Let’s keep fingers crossed!
73 Heinz, OE5EEP
Your chasers in western Slovakia will be ready regardless I am watching your event, Martin and I will keep the guys listening to repeaters in Bratislava posted about your plans and dedicated frequencies. Fingers crossed!
We will hold this year’s OE5 SOTA DAY on Saturday, September 19, 2020 in the Pyhrn-Priel region of OE5. The plan is to activate summits in that area. Please post your planned activations on SOTAwatch and try to spread out to different summits.
Given the current COVID-19 situation it is still not clear if there will be a meeting at a restaurant afterwards. It will be decided on short notice.
Anybody interested in SOTA is welcome to join the fun!
73 Martin, OE5REO
!!! UPDATE ZUM OE5 SOTA TAG 2020 !!!
Nach den Aktivierungen werden wir uns um 15:00 LT beim
Gasthof Waldhof
Pichl 352
4575 Roßleithen
im Gastgarten zum gemeinsamen Essen und Plaudern treffen.
Ich bitte um eine kurze Nachricht an oe5reo(a) bei geplanter Teilnahme am Treffen.
73 Martin, OE5REO
Info for non-german speaking readers:
A meeting at this year’s OE5 SOTA DAY will take place after the activations …
der wetterbericht für samstag schaut gut aus / the weather forecast for saturday looks promising:
Here is the group photo of our 10th OE5 SOTA DAY:
Some other photos of the activations will follow in the next days …
73 Martin, OE5REO
OE5-SOTA-Day was great fun (as usual)! There were more participants on air than ever before. This is reflected in the number of S2S QSOs. The crowd gathering at the restaurant was smaller than in previous years because of Covid and fear of contracting it.
A big “Thank You” to the organizers and to all participants!
73 Heinz
So I got up very early, because I know Austrian stations are very on-time and usually get to the summits by 11am. I got in my car in Bratislava and drove to the parking place below my first summit Unterberg (OE/NO-199).
I decided to go very light and do this activation as a trail run. So I took my Yaesu VX-6 and a telescopic half-wave antenna (Harvest RH660). I ran up the hill and the ridge and the summit was pretty windy. I put on all the layers I had and tried to do a quick activation before I got too cold. Lots of stations on all 2m FM channels!
The second summit - Trafelberg (OE/NO-227)
Back at the parking spot, I changed my “mode” to hiking. I took a large backpack and HF radio and antenna. Trafelberg has a beautiful and wild summit area. The hike up to it was pretty difficult though - no hiking trails, no forest paths, no roads. But it was well worth it.