Hello OMs,
like in the SOTA alert:
I’m on OK/US-003 Loucna 956m above sea level with a clear view of the Alps.
I use 50W + Yagi.
I hope for good conds and please listen to my quiet signal = DX.
in remember on 2020 30 S2S-QSOs
Hans Jürgen


Will listen for you, 50W + 4-El LogPer.

73 Heinz

I got a thrill hearing OE9HRV/P on 21.297 MHz around 1725Z. My several calls with five watts were not heard, but I was copying 53.
Also heard was OE/IN3JIB/P about the same time on 21.300 MHz with a 53 signal. No luck calling.
Great to hear you two. Someday we’ll make an S2S QSO.
72, David N6AN



Hello OMs,
thank you for your patience with my DX-QSOs !

Part of my log ( only Alps)

My summit: OK/US-003   JO60tp       950m ASL
UTC     Call           Summit       RS         QRB [km]	   ASL [m]
07:25   OE9TKH/P       OE/OO-063    55 / 57    307         1405
07:31   OE6RNT/P       OE/ST-227    55 / 54    392         1531
07:33   OE3CBJ/P       OE/NO-084    55 / 54    270         1041
07:49   OE5FSM/P       OE/OO-070    57 / 57    311         1334
07.57   OE5IRS/P       OE/OO-265    55 / 55    316         1328
08:29   OE5GFI/P       OE/OO-275    33 / 33    310         1239
08:50   OE/IW3AGO/P    OE/OO-293    55 / 55    306         1036
08:51   OE/IN3ENN/P    OE/OO-293    55 / 55    306         1036
08:54   OE6FEG/P       OE/ST-367    33 / 33    405         1218
09:08   OE3IPU/P       OE/NO-041    44 / 59    337         1380
09:27   OE6AOD/P       OE/ST-183    44 / 55    389         1720
09:48   OE3VBU/P       OE/ST-127    56 / 59    358         1948
10:33   OE3IPU/P       OE/NO-287    33 / 59    333         1233

Conds are only slightly improved

My rig:
Kemwood ‘TM-D700’ 50W + Yagi G=8dBd
DX 2m is a great joy for me.
For you too?
Your paths to the summit are usually longer and harder. The weight is limited
Whats your rig? Handheld and Vertical-Antenne 5/8 (~1m) or 3-element Yagi?
Does anyone use SSB on 2m ? FT-817 5W ?
Do you have any recommendations for improvement?

I hope we hear each other.
In any case, SOTA Day 2024



Hello Hans-Jürgen,

I guess the expectation and hopes for some longer FM calls on 2m were fullfilled. ODX of 405 km is something. Congratulations. I would say the Yagi made it possible as most stations on the other side were just using a 2m handheld running 5 watts.

SSB on a mountain would only happen on days like Bayrischer Bergtag / Alpe Adria Contest (August). Otherwise there is just not enough audience listening on 2m SSB.
I tried several times in the past spotting myself on 144.300 MHz or so and never got a reply.

With the KX2 now being my main rig I don’t have 2m SSB with me by default (as it was with the 817nd)

But we could plan this as a activity for SOTA day or another day to give 2m SSB a boost?
Unfortunalty we in OE don’t have something like the RSGB Backpacker Contest. I think that is a great activity overall.

73 Joe