OE/F8CZI/P sota activation on OE/VB-349 - June 23,

First I want to apologies for this short activation due to uncertain weather. Indeed, after only 15 minutes working time I decided to stop because of the storm that was coming. I just had time to put the material in order and start to go down before the first drops of rain came. The return was made in the pouring rain (90min) and we arrived at the hotel soaked to the bones.

Regarding traffic, I would just like to reiterate that I am not yet a confirmed cw operator, so please forgive my mistakes . I identified some errors came from improper mounting of the manipulator that was not stable enough. I will see to correct this problem.

I take this day in the rain to load the log in the DB and see what could be the next activation during this holiday week … if the sun wants to come back!

I hope to contact you again from another summit or may be to meet you in FDH Saturday June 28, 2014

73’s de Laurent F8CZI