Norway suggestions late May/early June 2023

I’ll be in Bergen and Alesund (Norway) starting May 16 for at least a couple of weeks with an option to extend the stay. I’m trying to construct a trip that is part SOTA (and even POTA) plus nab some long exposure seascape photos.

While I realize Norway is a huge place and has an abundance of peaks especially along the coast what areas beyond Bergen and Alesund are worth considering to find/access peaks that are trail accessible and appropriate for a solo hiker (I realize that in of itself is a “violation” of the Norwegian hiking code)?



Hi Paul,
I have spent 2 weeks in Southern Norway in 2022. I was further south, near Stavanger, Oslo and Skien, not touching the area where you will be going.

A general recommendation for hiking in Norway is the App Norway Topo Maps, available for I-phone and Android. This app was the only mapping source I have used for planning and hiking (except for SOTL.AS of course). You have to pay a one-time nominal fee to use it off-line. Well worth the few $$$.

I experienced a barren, but beautiful landscape void of trees and bushes. Bring some tent-pegs to tie your antenna mast to! I also found significant snow-covered areas in August starting at a height of about 1500 m asl. Avoid slopes facing North in higher altitudes and use high boots for hiking. I also recommend hiking poles.

I envy you for spending “a couple of weeks with an option to extend the stay” in Norway! Have fun!

73 Heinz


Hi Heinz (@OE5EEP)

Thanks for the reply and heads up on the mapping app. Just purchased it for my iPhone.

That’s great advice on how low the snow level could be and really not looking for wade through snow.


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Arrived in a windy and cold Bergen.

Will try a local peak SOTLAS Thursday.

Alert is posted and will try 20m and 40m SSB.



I will be activating about the same time. Will be looking for your sigs!
73 Heinz

Welcome to Norway and hope you have had a nice national holiday on May 17th. I recommend using the app if you can’t find gpx tracks in SOTLAS. When you have found the peak you want to go to in SOTLAS, search with the peak’s name in It will give you good hiking descriptions to most of the peaks, as well as real time of your position when you use the app on the hike itself. It is unfortunately only in Norwegian, but by using DeepL or another good translation program you will be able to copy the text and translate it. Sorry I can’t give you specific recommendations, but this is because I live in another part of the country. Good luck with the activations


@LA9DSA Hi Knut

National Day was very fun indeed and the Bergen parade a welcome surprise.

I’ve been getting a lot of help from LA7PSA who is local to Bergen

Todays activation of LA/HL-017 was excellent and I nabbed 30 Qs plus 54 chaser points from S2S.

Hard not to like Norway!!


So great that you have received local help and I apologise that I could not contribute with local knowledge.
Keep enjoying Norway and I wish you many good activations and good radio conditions in the time to come

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I don’t like you anymore Paul, you keep living out my dreams :grinning:


Glad to see you made it over to Norway Paul. I had the pleasure as a young Marine to be way up north near Alta back in the early 80s. On my bucket list to return some day too. Great seeing you down in Visalia last month too! :wink: Apologies for not making the SOTA gathering during the social hour gathering. Just too many friends I hadn’t seen in quite some time…Hopefully I’ll hear you on the bands…

73, Todd KH2TJ

Quick write up and snaps at LA/HL-017

Out and about Saturday for one or two activations.


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