Northern Scotland in August

Well done with the summits so far Andy. Unfortunately I have not been around much, but I was pleased to bag Ben Loyal on SSB. It made a change to CW. Well done on finding the phone as well… pretty much a needle in the haystack. :grin:

Well that’s a ‘bummer’ Ben Loyal would have been a Complete for me - and that’ll teach me not to check the Alerts. However in my defence is was off down to see my old ‘maw’ in Peebles having just come back from 9H1 land.

Sorry to not have made it with you on the new one NS-130. I reckon we could have made it on CW. You were QSB’ing manically also with others calling you on SSB made it difficult to settle on a CW freq around 5389.5? And unfortunately 40M was no go!!!

However on the upside. Good to bag NS-145 yesterday for a new one for me.

And what’s this about loosing your phone - silly boy! Of course you could always phoned it to help you locate it - wait you need a mobile phone for that trick :rofl:

And on a more serious note GM13 - are you trying with Martin - GM8IEM today (15th)? If so I’ll Post on the Site for the rest of the ‘gang’ and Martin can give us an update?

GL with Activations and catch you on 60M?



Aha - should have checked further down today’s Alerts. So I’ll Post on GM13 specifically to Martin and he can let us know if it was a ‘go-er’?



Tnx 13cm QSO Andy,
73, Martin GM8IEM - IO78HF

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Antennas for 60/40/30 plus 13cms on Quinag - Spidean Coinich GM/NS-051.

The summit in the far distance in the sun is Ben More Assynt GM/NS-009

Looks Brilliant - Ben More Assynt was one of the best hills I have ever climbed! Just very slightly jealous …Daytimes have been a bit hectic for chasing but I will keep trying in any gaps! 73 Paul

Did you do Sail Gorm, Andy, I didn’t see any spots - perhaps the short scrambly bit put you off!

It certainly didn’t sell the walk! But the bigger reason is I’m so very out of condition. I did look and the Sail Garbh descent path looks good to ascend and then both are Sail Garbh and Sail Gorm are doable. Need to visit again now :slight_smile:

Oh no… Suilven on fire!


but not this year

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Whenever I’ve seen that formation it presages wet weather - no surprises, then!

I’ve always found weather forecasting in Scotland fairly straightforward :cloud_with_rain:
Rarely disappointed, sometimes pleasantly surprised :wink: