No paper map? Read this

Lessons in this for all papyrus refuseniks :wink:


In reply to MM0FMF:

Yes and an old fashioned compass is very handy to go with the map for the area you are in! :wink:
Mike G6TUH

In reply to MM0FMF:

I once had a map blow away.

In reply to G3CWI:

Paul G4MD once had a GPS blow away!

In reply to G3CWI:

Yes, and I once had a compass break! Mind you, I carry a spareā€¦

TBH I think unless you know it well Glyder Fawr at night is a bit ambitious, with plenty of opportunities for a serious fall if the navigation goes wrong: the Main Cliff gives rock climbs of up to 100 metres finishing in a wilderness of broken rock.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
I once had a friend with a GPS on his mountain bike up side down in its cradle and he took some convincing we were going the wrong way.
GPS blowing away now thatā€™s windy ā€¦
Ian vk5cz ā€¦

I was once using my compass to navigate and I was convinced it was telling me lies. I remembered the old rule of trusting your compass above everything else. I fought with myself for a while before disregarding the compass and trusting my instinct instead.

I was right to trust my instinct, my compass had flipped by 180 degrees, I found out later. I was always very careful trying to pack it away from other magnets (HT speaker?) etc, but somehow the needle had been re-magnetised.

I had to buy a new compass :frowning:


I donā€™t trust the compass. I donā€™t trust the map. I certainly donā€™t trust GPS.

I just trust Jimmyā€¦

But what if even he isnā€™t there? I was once on Foel Goch GW/NW-039 without compass, map, GPS or Jimmy. Yes, very naughty of me I accept. And the mist closed right in and I didnā€™t have a clue what direction was what! I got out of this predicament by making some QSOs on 2m FM and mentally plotting the map around me based on the directions for peak signals/nulls etc. It worked!

Another time I was in a similar situation on Kinder Scout G/SP-001. I had my map but had lost my compass (it was actually tangled in my rucksack straps it turned out!). Visibility was a couple of metres. I found my way to the ā€œridgeā€ along which the cairns lie by walking in a direction relative to the direction of the wind, which I knew was south-westerly from that morningā€™s weather forecast!

Thereā€™s always a way if you stop, take your time and think carefully. But better is to be properly prepared!


In reply to M1EYP:
wise words
i once saw someone take a map out only for it to be ripped out of his hands by the was raining and as it hit a fence it turned into confetti .it always pays to study the route carefully before hand i try and memorise as much as possible just in case

In reply to MW0UPH:

When doing a hill for the first time I study the map beforehand, as Aled suggests, and I prepare a route card listing in order the salient features and compass headings - on a simple postcard that can be protected by putting it in one of the plastic bags that we accumulate at the supermarket. I once lost a brand new map of the Brecon Beacons on its first outing, torn out of my pocket by the wind. I had the route card to fall back on, though it was not really needed on Fan Nedd!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to VK5CZ:

GPS blowing away now thatā€™s windy ā€¦

Yes Ianā€¦ and wet. You might just say the rain was horizontal!

I remember it well - 8th September 2009 Gyrn Ddu GW/NW-050. The summit was qualified on 144MHz SSB using a simple low level dipole together with a handie on 144MHz FM. We sheltered amongst the rocks on the summit. Thankfully, despite the conditions, the satnav was found when we made our descent and we went on to activate two more summits during the day. Paul G4MD was able to set up an HF antenna on both of them, though I donā€™t know how his pole survived.

73, Gerald G4OIG