Nice combo.. FL/VO-100, FL/VO-116 and FL/VO-194... all rarely activated.

I have often presented summits in the Vosges that were rarely activated.

Today was my 6th SOTA birthday and I was able to activate my 700th unique summit.

For this I chose one that had not been activated for 7 years: FL/VO-100.

It is a real mystery to me why it has not been visited for so long. There is a beautiful, well-signposted hiking trail, a lookout tower and a large picnic area.

It can be combined wonderfully with FL/VO-116 and FL/VO-194… Where are short routes to the summits …in beautiful scenery.

Information about parking and pictures can be found at the summit pages here and at

73 Armin


Congrats Armin on your 700th unique and thanks for sharing. Your post reminded me of another great summit in FL/VO which has rarely been activated; I may make a post out of it :slight_smile:


Hi Armin,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :champagne:
Congrats for 700 uniques - great achievement :muscle:

73, Jarek


Felicidades Armin por tu 700.
Un saludo 73.

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