Nice band conditions on Pike of Blisco

Just a quick note to say band conditions were wonderful today and QSOs were easy to pick up across the board. I had the wonderful Super Antenna MP1 with me, and for HF was using 25 watts from a FT-817 via a MiniPA50 amplifier. I had 80 contacts across 2m, 10m, 12m, 17m, 20m & 40m. Unfortunately the WX forecast was spot on today and I ended up with a horseshoe of rain around me which eventually hit, but with enough warning to get everything packed up and moving!

Langdales from Pike of Blisco

One of the two summit cairnstone pikes of Pike of Blisco

Heavy WX approaching slowly from the East, Lingmore Fell in the foreground

Quick snap of the Super Antenna, with rucksack ballast, on a Manfrotto video tripod

Thanks to all the chasers (and to those I pounced on!) from G/LD-024.

Regards, Mark. M0NOM


Thanks Mark - Not sure what was the cause of the propogation on 40m, usually groundwave doesn’t make it this far (about 40 mi) Sp E? Your signals were up to 59 at times…
Thanks for the QSO

A quick butchers at the cluster shows loads and loads of 10m/6m spots. Looks to be typical SpE single/double hop stuff.

6m Andy yes, full of stations but 4m meters was also good today, but no SOTA activity. I kept checking 2m for Es in my QTH, none apparent when I checked.

MGM FT8 is the easiest way to work DX these days for those skilled in the art hihi :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In my 4m 70 MHZ log today, selectively called:

Time Call
08:04 SQ8AQX
09:20 GD3YEO
10:23 OH2BYJ
12:14 LB6D
12:39 YL2CZ
13:14 YO7BSN
13:16 HA5LV
13:46 LA8AV
16:05 SV2RQB
16:21 LY1G

I never even checked the CW/SSB part of the band, as I enjoy the new modes just as much! Stll seeing Polish stations on and a few Gs, but the Es today has come and gone right throughout the day.

Still time in between the FT8 beanfeast to work plenty of SOTA stations as well, walk the dog and have a bit of ride to do an errand on my bike. The joys of retirement…

73 Phil

PS Thanks to Mark M0NOM for Pike o’Blisco G/LD-024, good signals the 100 miles across country into Pickering IO94of on the 40m band.

I noticed 4m spots too. It feels a little early in the season for 4m but I could be misremembering things. I’ll put a request in for 10m SpE on Saturday afternoon so I can play with my new 10m antenna from a hill :wink:

It may surprise you Phil knowing that you know my job/career but I have zero interest myself in using FT8. I know how it works, I even understand quite a lot of the maths behind the signal processing and have worked on some similar signal processing code when I was working on SONAR for Her Majesty’s Navy but operating FT8 just doesn’t interest me. I’ve nothing against it or people using it, it just doesn’t float my boat.