New Youkits EK1B

Who’s going to be the first to report on the new Youkits rig?

If only they’d included 24Mhz I’d be sorely tempted to give one a try!


In reply to G4ISJ:

If it was SSB I would be tempted!


Brian GV8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
The HB1B already has 20. A follow up rig should have had 17 15 12 10.

Brian, I understand all these rigs have SSB - rx.


In reply to M1EYP:
I have a HB1B- it is SSB rx only. CW xmit 20 30 40 80


In reply to G4ISJ:
Thanks for info

I have HB-1A from 1 year and with Youkits (Mr Yimmin) I meet a greet Service.
I could be interested by this item, Sota tranceiver YouKits are the more lightest
and I enjoy.

In reply to F8FEO:

Yes, the HB1B is more “mature” I’d say. IMHO, the EK1B is fine with 20 because, at least in my case, it garantees a successfull activation.

The only thing I am not sure of is the lack of if filtering? I don’t see any info on this.

I could see myself bringing the EK1B in the summer and the HB1B in the fall/winter.

In reply to VA2SG:

I should receive my EK1B kit by the end of the month. Will build and be back to you.

In reply to VA2SG:

Just made my first QSO with EK1B: F5PHW gave me 559 on 17m.

I was TX 4,5 watts in my windom.

I believe I’ll love 17 meters for SOTA!

In reply to VA2SG:

Just made my first QSO with EK1B: F5PHW gave me 559 on 17m.

I was TX 4,5 watts in my windom.

I believe I’ll love 17 meters for SOTA!

Video of the rig (sorry for the bad zoom) - YouTube

In reply to G4ISJ:
What do you recon to this one Pete…


In reply to VA2SG:
Hello Jean Pierre,
So what do you think about the filter ?
On the HB-1B I find it very fine… Is it the same ?
Only one regrets on the HB-1B, I can’t see the SWR… If someone have product plan of one with LED (green OK less than 1.5 orange admissible 1.7 to 2.5 and after red…) That’s will be fine… I’m only working with dipole but during the transport it can be damage !!!
Have a good time
Best wishes

In reply to F5UBH:

Well, theres a fixed 500 hz filter inside. Until now, I’am OK with it.

We’re talking very low price rig after all.

You could built Hendricks SWR meter here:

In reply to MW0BBU:
Hi Steve - looks a bit ‘thirsty’ on Rx. Even worse than the 817? That’s progress??


Jack (:>)

In reply to MW0BBU:

In reply to G4ISJ:
What do you recon to this one Pete…


So many Chinese rigs now that it’s hard to keep up with them all.

I’m not really tempted by anything that has SSB as it would be redundant on the hills.

Saying that, the new LNR FX4 shows some real promise although a bit more expensive.

Anyway, awaiting KD1JV 160/80 kit to be winging it’s way here!


In reply to GM4COX:
Hi Jack,

Nah! not progress, Chinese… that besides I just liked the look and size, bound to be a few reports on it soon…


In reply to G4ISJ:
Hi Pete,

The LNR FX4 does look good, nice and small…


In reply to MW0BBU:

In reply to G4ISJ:
Hi Pete,

The LNR FX4 does look good, nice and small…


Hi agn Steve - still looks a bit ‘thirsty’ on Rx. If you are after multi-day ,remote, lightweight activations this would be a serious ‘downer’. My HB1A runs about 50/60mA on Rx and about 850mA for about 5W out. Cracking wee rig and second hand for £85 ‘squid’. And it’s Chinese - hi!


Jack (;>J

In reply to MW0BBU:

Yes, if you look carefully, it comes from China. Look at the papers under the rig… :wink:


Still, looks nice and fun.