New Super Sloth in W0 land

Gary WoMNA acquired 10,000 chaser points as of 17:25z this morning! Thanks to all who made that possible for him.
WoERI Martha (the spouse)

In reply to W0ERI:
Congrats Gary. I have been watching and knew you were close. What a great day to put you over! I’ll bet Martha is happy for you. 73 de Scotty KG3W

Congratulations Gary on achieving the Super Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to W0ERI:

Wow Gary Congrats,

Now get out of the chair for a few minutes because your keester is probably numb!

Thanks for getting me into the chase my friend.

John N0EVH

In reply to N0EVH:

Gary made those 10K points rather quickly. Congratulations and your call (s) :wink: always welcome on my QRP rig…


In reply to W0ERI:
Thanks for all of the comments on my achieving the 10,000 chaser points today. With all of the NSAOTA activity I was sure this weekend would be when it happened for me. We really have to thank all of the great activators out there making this an exciting adventure in ham radio. Today really rocked and was a lot of fun and yes John, my bottom side is in need of a rest for sure as this chair is getting pretty old and hard.

Thanks to Bill - W4RK for being the contact today from W0M/SF-001, Taum Sauk that put me over the 10,000 mark. My XYL and I did an activation there a couple of weeks ago and it’s a great place to do that.

My radios are doing double time these days since I’ve gotten the XYL into doing SOTA too. We sometime fight over who is on the mic or on the keyboard and one of these days I’m sure I’ll see smoke coming out of the back of the radio when it just gives up from to much use. :slight_smile:

Thanks again to all the SOTA people and lets go have some more SOTA fun. We’re already planning three more activations when we go to Albuquerque next month so listen for us. They’ll be posted on SOTAWatch.

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W0ERI:


Very happy to see you break the 10k barrier…well done! I always smile when I hear you (and Martha) in my headphones when I’m out on the mountaintops. Heres to many many more 559’s heading your way.
