New stock in SOTA shop

Allan, GW4VPX, suggested that we produced a badge incorporating a QR code linking to the SOTA website. I worked with our usual badge supplier and they managed to produce a woven badge which incorporates the QR code and the SOTA logo. This badge is now available via the SOTA shop (well it will be later today when I stop faffing about!! :innocent:)

SOTA Q code

I am waiting delivery later today of items to re-stock the shop and will now have the Polo shirts in Medium size as well as some restocking of the T shirts. Two sizes of T shirt will not be delivered until late September (Large Ash and Medium Navy) otherwise all items should be available from today. Out of stock merchandise should now be available again.

73 Barry GM4TOE
SOTA Awards Manager


That’s a great idea, but the web site needs some information that explains what amateur radio is. The vast majority of people who ask what I am doing on the summits don’t know anything about the hobby. When I explain that I am doing radio many think I am listening to aircraft. When I explain I am contacting other people around Europe and often on other summits the common reaction is “cool”.

A link to the RSGB page What is amateur radio? would be a good start.


Works from the screenshot :wink:


Neat Barry!
Wish I had a decal of that to place next to my SOTA bumper sticker on the truck.
Vick k7vk

Thank you Barry.

Order will be in for a large quantity shortly…could have done with them over the last few activations.
Acknowledgement also to Simon G4TJC for the design.

73 Allan GW4VPX

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