New Shack Sloth

Mike - N0TU joined the ranks of Shack Sloth today. Congrats on the achievement Mike and welcome to the Slothy group of operators. :slight_smile:

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W0MNA:
Way to go, Mike!
Martha A. W0ERI

Congratulations Mike on achieving the Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to W0MNA:
Congrats Mike !!

Congratulations Mike, and thanks for giving me a Q while on W4T/CA-020 today.
Larry W6UB

High and lofty greetings to all.

First of all, thank you to the activators who make up the other half of a SOTA QSO. If not for you, reaching 1 point, much less a thousand, would not be possible. The other guys to thank are the management teams for SOTA and the associations. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated.

The trek to slothdom officially started back in May 2011, when I first noted “SOTA” in the logbook comments. That QSO was with W5ESE on a 10-point summit. I’d worked other activators before, but didn’t make a note in the log. Over time, all those “SOTA” ticks multiplied the first 10 points by 100. As it was, Cap, W0CCA, over in Colorado bumped my total over the threshold yesterday afternoon.

Two regrets. The first is that there aren’t more EU and VE activators in the log. There are a few but not nearly enough to suit me. The vagaries of propagation, a QTH in the RF black hole that is the Midwest, and limited antennas narrowed down the possibilities. (I think wheat and soybeans absorb RF). One day, perhaps a beam will add more DX activators to the log.

The second is that I live in a state that has zero qualifying summits. None. A W0K association isn’t likely, so I can’t return the favor. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from poaching summits in W0M or Colorado in the future.

Anyway, chasing summits was, and will continue to be, fun. Thanks to all the hardy activators. Look forward to working you on the air soon.



Hi Mike,

Would it not be possible for W0K to be set up as a p100 association?

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to N0TU:
Congrats Mike on Shack Sloth and a thank you for all the chasing you did when I was QRV in Georgia.

Best 73,
Dennis - WA2USA

In reply to N0TU:

A W0K association isn’t likely

Well there is at least 1 P150 summit in Kansas, Mt. Sunflower. which (according to Wikipedia and so needs verifying) is 1010m higher than the lowest point in Kansas.

Whether there are any more, I don’t know. But as you know for sure, Kansas isn’t noted for its mountains :slight_smile:


In reply to N0TU:
Congrats Mike on Shack Sloth. This is a fun group. I see from your QRZ page you are into star partys. Stargazing at night and work during the day, raising a family; When did you find time for SOTA? HI! 73 All the best de Scotty.

In reply to W0MNA:
w00t! Congrats!

Hi Scotty.

The answer is sporadically for both astronomy and radio. The harmonic has graduated now, so now I’m in the role of banker. Much easier. As for SOTA, not sure how I managed to amass this many points except for a greatly reduced travel schedule and a lot of 8 & 10 point activations of late. Good fortune wins out over skill once again.

