New places-Local history

As the snow this year is clinging to the lower elevations, equating to very little access to any summits in my region, I decided to drive further than usual for a lowly 1pt summit😉. I was not disappointed as I got to see some interesting history. First, the drive to the “trailhead” (no trail), you pass fields full of old war practice concrete “pillboxes” riddled with machine gun fire at what used to be Camp White. I’m told there could still be explosives out there and farmers are to be careful. Sorry, didn’t stop for pics there.

We parked beside the road and hiked up to the summit, Cinnabar Mountain W7O/CS-156, doing our best to avoid the seas of leafless poison oak twigs ranging from inches to climbing the tree trunks. Another reason I don’t do many summits below 4000’! Highlight was about 2/3 of the way up, ruins of an extensive mine. Cinnabar Mountain, hence, mercury mine. There was still an enormous tailing of cinnabar rock below the structure footings and foundations. I think the large one was some sort of oven?

I run into many small mines in the area, usually hobby gold mining that are still active. This set up was much more advanced than what I usually run into and thought I’d share. The moss covered concrete structures were pretty cool. The tunnel appeared to fork and continue multi direction too.

Part of what I have treasured with SOTA is the local exploration here in S.OR, finding and learning bits of local history I never would have seen otherwise.

Activation was okay, but my battery died and ended my day early. All other plans called off but they were snowed in access anyhow, even at 2600’ so it was just fine.
