New Entity (KHØ - Mariana Islands) to be Activated Soon by Permanent Resident

I believe a boat anchor is an acceptable substitute - need to check the General Rules :rofl:

I’d give double points to anyone using and AN/ART13 and AN/ARR15 combo on a summit :wink:

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Hello Matt…Unfortunately I have zero information regarding “Operation Christmas Drop”. Even though Guam is only 120 miles away we seldom get any news regarding Guam here. We did have a nuclear submarine from Guam visit Saipan last month & were able to get within a few football fields away from it.

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You need to get yourself to the gym!! 4 Kg’s nothing compared to lugging lead acids around 20 years back! Good on him!!!

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I recall helping out with this on my first tour on Guam back in the early 80’s. It’s still an operational event:

73, Todd KH2TJ

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“Air crews are linked to the village via ham radio as they fly overhead and drop supplies. The event provides readiness training to participating aircrew, allowing them to gain experience in conducting airdrops while providing critical supplies to 56 Micronesian islands impacting about 20,000 people;”

This probably deserves it’s own thread, but it’s cool to see ham radio used this way.

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I always climb with a pair of anvils, Andy… one in each ear


Why are there no anvils in the SOTA shop?

Welcome to SOTA Tom. It is great to hear from you - I’ve worked you many times while you were in ND and as well as during your travels around the Pacific. You always seemed to be able to pull my QRP signals out! Look forward to hearing your smooth CW from KH0/SA-001!
73, Randy, ND0C


Thanks for the kind words Randy.

Items are arriving faster than I thought & I should be QRV in another 7 - 10 days or so. Just waiting for a few more things to be arrive. Shipping of the 400 pound anvil is progressing quite nicely. I will probably start off by doing some general DXing for a few days before I activate the Summit. This will be a new HF radio for me so I will need a few hours to get it all configured. Who reads owners manuals anyway?

As a former Marine, that’s one I have to get in the log.
Jim - N0IPA