I wanted to get out and do a hill for the Winter bonus on Sunday but the cloudbase wasn’t predicted to be high enough so I opted for Wether Law GM/SS-177. The walk up the forestry track was a bit muddy and the fire break through the trees a bit soggy but not too bad at the trig point. Edinburgh and Arthur’s seat were the view to the North between the showers but I was ok with my shelter setup to keep the rain off.
I had my usual setup of flowerpot for 2m and link dipole for HF with FT818 driving them.
The dipole has links for 6m, 10m , 12m, 17m, 20m, and 40m which also works on 15m. I managed Qso’s on all those bands except 6m , I could hear data traffic around 50.312 but sadly no response to my spot at 50.160, a local chaser reported he couldn’t hear me.
I was pleased enough with that outcome but just to top it off I heard a CQ call on my HT as I picked up my pack to descend and had a final Qso on 70cm.
It was a fairly long activation but quite satisfying, 38 Qso’s in total including 10 s2s , 3 Transatlantic and a new country E7 as well.
It was starting to get twilight as I came back through the trees, very atmospheric.