NA Triple Super Sloth - N4EX

I don’t believe it has been mentioned here on the SOTA Reflector, but it is certainly worthy of note…

Congratulations to Rich, N4EX, on passing 30,000 chaser points. It is a very impressive achievement, especially here in NA. And if I remember correctly, about 20,000 or so was done primarily with QRP.

Rich has done a lot of activating as well and I appreciate all the QSO’s whether he was on a summit or I was. (And he worked me on every one of my activations.)

Randy, ND0C


Rich is also a regular in my log whenever the bands are open to NA.

73 Heinz

Congratulation Rich on achieving 30,000 chaser points.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congratulation Rich!
Always a pleasure to hear . -…- on a summit!
73 Chris

Congrats Rich!
I was very surprised to hear N4EX on my very first activation in dec 2011 with my 3W rf. Every my activation when I tune my ATS3 and 2x10m ant on 20, 17 and 15m I hope that iono allows to hear my QRP in NA, especially in NC… thanks for 18 SOTA contacts, Rich.
VY 73 de Igor OM3CUG, G QRP club 5976 Home pages OM3CUG/QRP - Welcome!

i managed to work rich several times on ssb with my qrp-rig (ic-703 + mp-1 antenna) … it’s always a pleasure to make it across the atlantic on SOTA activations!

congrats to rich and
vy73 de martin

In reply to ND0C:
Congratulations Rich. I’ve worked very few transatlantic chasers, but you have been in my log a few times. Thanks for making my day on my SOTA summits.


Hi Rich

Congratulations on your achievement.

Always a great thrill for me to hear the callsign N4EX coming from the 817 when activating a summit.

Looking forward to the next one.


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to GW4VPX:
Congratulations Rich on your achievement.
You are my only USA contact at times when I am activating, and I wonder if you get any sleep my local time is a lot different to yours.
Great effort.
de Ian vk5cz …

Well done, Rich. Thanks for the many, many contacts…

73 Mike

Hi Rich,

great ! :slight_smile: Thanks all contacts till now…hope to work you many more times !

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN/p

Congratulations Rich, well deserved! Whenever propagation gives my 5W SSB a tiny chance to reach NA you come back to my call. Looking forward to our next contact.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

In reply to ND0C:
Congratulations from KB1RJD and C in NH. An activation without N4EX feels somehow incomplete! Thanks for nearly always being there.

In reply to ND0C:
Nice one Rich and thanks for the contact on GW/MW-011 on Tuesday.

Steve MW0BBU.

Well done OM! Thanks for all those many times you’ve chased me up a summit or three.

In reply to ND0C:
Congratulations Rich. Thanks for all the contacts.

Malcolm VE2DDZ

Congratulations Rich, it’s always good to hear you,
Thanks for this week’s qso’s.


Congrats a Job well done.
Dow (NewCall) W4DOW

Well done neighbor!

Kent, K9EZ/4

Well done Rich!
Great that I recently could deliver some points.
Now that I have a good mobile phone with me for self-spotting N4EX is mostly at the top of my 21MHz-ssb activatorlog. Today again? Hopefully.