N4AAJ Thru Hiking and Activating SOTA Summits on the Appalachian Trail

Scott N4AAJ and Fred WX1S both activated Wildcat Mt New Hampshire W1/HA-060 June 30, 2023!


Two fine fellows!

Andy, N4LAG


What a thrill finally meeting Scott. I’ve been chasing him since he left Katahdin “Great Mountain” but I have not been able to get him in the log. This random encounter was way better. Good luck OM.
Fred WX1S


Scott made a lasting impression on the crew of the Carter Notch Hut. I think a couple of them will be studying for the Ham ticket!

Wildcat from Carter Notch, and yes the trail up is as steep as it looks.


Great day for an activation on Mt. Washington! He had his antenna on the ground but was still able to get N4LAG, AC1Z, WX1S, Christian in France and more! He had to pack up quickly to get down the mile and a half steep incline to the AMC hut to try to get a bunk for the night. Storms predicted tomorrow and rain chances over 50% the rest of the week so I’m not sure how many more he will activate. Thanks chasers!


Antenna on the ground! It’s impressive, I had him 559 from my qth (200km distance) on 40m.

Thanks for inspiring me.
Eric VA2EO


Scott you were a real 579 here in southern NH. Great working you today on MT Washington (W1/HA-001)
I think the next summit on the AT south is South Twin. Perhaps the weather will improve by the time you get there.
The hike down from South Twin to Galehead is very rocky. You may have to put your sandals on. Oh and for those of you that don’t know, Scott hikes barefoot. Although I have been told he has tough feet.
Oh I almost forgot, say hi to Moses for me.
Fred WX1S


A very appropriate time to activate Mt Washington on this Independence Day weekend. July 2nd is a very special date in our history as a nation.

Officially, the Continental Congress declared its freedom from Great Britain on July 2, 1776, when it voted to approve a resolution submitted by delegate Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, declaring “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

John Adams thought July 2 would be marked as a national holiday for generations to come:

“[Independence Day] will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival… It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade with shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this continent to the other from this Time forward forever more,” Adams wrote.

After voting on independence on July 2, the Continental Congress then needed to draft a document explaining the move to the public. It had been proposed in draft form by the Committee of Five (John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson) and it took two days for the Congress to agree on the edits.

Thanks for the timing Scott. May God speed you through the rest of your journey.

Ariel NY4G


Worked Scott on Katahdin, Columbus, Bigelow and Spaulding so far. I keep listening and watching for his spots. //AB4PP


Scott has been resting up and getting some good food in a small town in New Hampshire this weekend. He will head out tomorrow to start more of The Whites. He doesn’t cross any peaks tomorrow but hopefully Wednesday he may activate one of the ones he crosses (South Twin, Garfield, Lafayette) if weather holds and he’s able to find time and still make his mileage goal. Thur/Fri there will be a couple more then he will zero in North Woodstock. After that it’s Moosilauke! Weather doesn’t look great this week but fingers crossed!
73, Betsy N4AJJ


I was lucky and caught Scott on two summits today, Mount Garfield W1/HA-095 and Mount Lafayette W1/HA-002.

He had a great ground wave signal in southern NH and I was thrilled to catch him while he was on the Franconia Ridge. GL OM!

73, Fred WX1S

I believe this is a photo looking south from Mount Lafayette. You can see the AT as it passes over the summit of North Lincoln. The trail runs right along the ridge.


He had a great weather today and is making great miles through this middle section of the Whites. His antenna was on the ground again on Lafayette and he did great! He should have another good day of weather tomorrow and cross a couple more so keep watching for his spots.
73, Betsy N4AJJ


Successfully activated Mount Moosilauke (mile 393) yesterday and should be doing some more activations this week on Tuesday/Wednesday. Weather today is bringing more flooding rains so he may or may not be out hiking. Thanks for chasing on Moosilauke - he had his antenna on the ground again!
73, Betsy N4AJJ


Great hike and activation today. Scott was joined by Bob, AC1Z, and they activated Mount Cube! Be listening early tomorrow for him to activate Smarts Mountain. He’s sleeping at the summit tonight. (Mile 419)
73, Betsy N4AJJ


Scott N4AAJ started off the day Wednesday with an activation from the fire tower on Smarts Mountain. He was able to get a S2S with Fred WX1S who was nearby on Moose Mountain. He got some DX on 15m including OE6GND, F4WBN, and S57S as well as locals like AC1Z, KU4R and many others. He then had a great co-activation with Fred on Holt’s Ledges on the AT.
He was able to get several S2S contacts including KK4DF. After the activation they hiked down and Fred was able to provide ‘trail magic’ (snacks and drinks) for several thru hikers. He will be in Hanover, NH (mile 442) around lunch and crossing into Vermont this afternoon.
73, Betsy N4AJJ


This information is cool!

I made an S2S contact yesterday, 7/12, with Scott when he was on Holts Ledge, W1/HA-083. He had a decent signal on 20M CW out here in Colorado.

I was in Rocky Mountain National Park on the Needles, W0C/FR-152.




Hey Guys,
It’s been an absolute pleasure running into you on trail. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to meet/work again as you head through Vermont and Massachusetts.
Betsy @N4AJJ Thank you so much for keeping us informed about Scott’s progress.
73 es GL

NH/VT Boarder
Scott N4AAJ with Moses (left) and River Rat (center)


Scott is taking a short break to come home to visit but will be back out on trail soon. The trail has been great and he’s enjoyed the start of Vermont. He should be activating Killington Peak when he’s back on trail as long as weather cooperates when he crosses it.
73, Betsy N4AJJ


so, FWIW, I already have both a NoBo and SoBo spreadsheet and CalTopo map with all the AT SOTA peaks as I was slating to do one direction or the other in 2024… But oh well, if someone is going to beat me to the punch for this, I should shift my plans to the PCT…(although not as many peaks “on” the trail)…

GL out there…and if @N4AAJ wants access to the data, just HMU…
73 de N6JFD

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I hope you’ll still consider your AT plans next year!

SOTA isn’t Scott’s main reason for being on the trail so I’ll look forward to possibly continuing the AT summit chase in 2024!

Michael, N4DCW

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