Hello, from Bennington New Hampshire. My name is Curtis, live at the bottom of W1/HA-047 and started doing activations back in March of this year (2024). To date I’ve done 14 different activations. The progression has been from activating via VHF/UHF only, to incorporating HF bands as well. My next step is to start activating with CW. This mode is new to me, and I have to say that chasing summits has been the best way for me to improve my CW abilities. Thank you to all the activators that have worked me in this mode.
My HF rig is a heavy IC-7000, so any suggestions for a lighter solution would be much appreciated. Also let me know what HF antennas you like to use. I’ve been using an EFHW, and I’m going to try out a random wire on my next activation. Most of the summits near me have trees to utilize for antenna placement, but for the treeless summits I don’t really have a solution for working HF.
Generally speaking, I try to do an activation on Mondays. If anyone in the region wants to join me for the hike, then let me know in an email curtis@curtis.org
73 de N1CMD