Mystery Sota

Yesterday afternoon heard the lovely Tones of Eva.
Well I thought it was but after a E mail turns out was not said lady from Czech republic.

So this one bit of a mystery :scream:

14285 13:18hrs coming in 5/8
Managed a exchange of signals reports and asked for her call and summit ref. And she got me call as well and called me back by name.
BANG two contest stations 2k either side STRONG just knocked her about and could not for the life of me get the lady,s call sign or Sota Ref. :imp:

Was just sitting on freq when she called out

all I got was ???M-027

For it not appear on the spot page either.

Any ideas :neutral_face:


No. Shame, but as you don’t know who you worked you can’t log it.

Very true is a shame in it.
But be interesting to find out.

Yet despite all the contest QRM over weekend I did quite well. Better than first thought working 30 Summits across the contest period and the QRM was a bit horrendous at times.

If anything made it a bit more a challenge.

With thanks to all the activators from the weekend.


If it didn’t get spotted on here it may well have been some other award scheme such as GMA. The references are a similar format.

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Extract from the GMA spots -

The mystery remains…

Windmills on the air? :slight_smile:

The windmills of your mind…?


:slight_smile: Good song that, oldie but goodie


I heard her, too, the voice was familiar but I could get neither callsign or summit so I didn’t call her. Not the only one that I could detect but not work over the weekend, either, some of those contest stations were wiiiiide even with the attenuator in and RF backed off, and the old trick of switching off the agc, turning audio full up and using the RF gain as a volume control just got me tingling ears!


Hi Karl,

I heard the CQ SOTA call and exchanged reports but I could not get the reference so i didn’t log it. It was a HA summit and definatly 027. I listened for a while as I wanted to spot her but I never heard the correct information to do so.

Oh well there’s always next time.

73 Mick M0MDA

Thanks Mick that narrows it down a little
Can no log if have no details like said made contact exchanged the reports she got me call ok and called back by name that was it oh well.

Still good weekend for Sota despite the QRM,
The activators did well


Mystery SOVLED :open_mouth:

Just been in me Eqsl folder

Thank u
