My trip to UK

Hi all,

the coming September I am going to travel to UK to visit my niece near London, I will be there for one week and I will take my portable rigs with me :slight_smile: :slight_smile: .

I need advices from you because it will be my first time over there in UK. I need to know, apart my Portuguese ham documentation, if I will need something else.

I was looking in SOTA mapping and near London there are only 3 to 4 summits, will they worth an activation or not ?

I will not rent a car so I will use bus, train or other means of transportation.

I have a VHF/UHF WT so I need to know repeaters around London, by the way, my niece lives near Brixton, but not sure if at the time she will live in same area or not.

My personal email is

Best 73 and I am looking forward to reading from you.

David Quental

In reply to CT1DRB:

Hello David,
I have emailed you.
Best wishes.
Mike G6TUH