My Report from 1st December 2023

Hi All
what a day, it was a very cold start but there was not a cloud in the sky and the wind was nowhere to be seen. We left home (Telford) at 7:20 a.m. As we got to Chirk I asked Jamie (my son) to stop at the Mcdonalds drive through for a bacon bap, big mistake as it took 20 minutes which put us a little behind.
We managed to arrive at the Ponderosa car park for 08:35 and headed up to GW/NW-042 in no time at all. Initially it was cold but we soon warmed up with the steady climb.

We arrived at the summit by 09:32 and started calling CQ, the first chaser was logged @ 09:38 followed by an further 10 making 11 qso’s on the first summit. 3 summits to go.
We started the walk to GW/NW-043 and arrived @ 11:01 the journey took us 1 hour 9 minutes so wasn’t too bad.

We managed to hold another 16 qso’s so all was going well.
We started our decent at 11:30 and I was talking to Jamie at a quick visit in to the Ponderosa and to be honest he did not take much persuading, we have made it to the cafe, ordered and was sitting down ready to eat @12:02. A quick lunch and then we set off towards our next two summits. We arrived at the car park for GW/NW-044 @12:45 paid for 4 hours of parking and then started our ascent. This walk took it out of me and I had to take more breaks than I would have liked to and we did not arrive at the summit until 13:34.

We managed 20 qso’s and after having the break on the radio I was feeling a little more rested, we started our descent @ 14:00 and decide not to stop except for a photo or two until we had reached back to the car park and started our last summit climb.

I can not recall what time we made it back to the car park but we managed to arrive at GW/NW-051 @ 15:03. Time to quickly activate the last summit and we wanted to get back to the car before it fell dark.
We managed a further 12 qso’s here and headed back to the car. A great day was had but I think my body was saying Paul what the hell are your doing Hi Hi.

During the activation’s I only managed one S2S with Gillian and Phil, they we activating GW/MW-006, A great day was had and I would like to thank the chasers as without you all we cant claim our points so thank you.

After these 4 summits that leaves me on 978 points and the final MG is in sight, I am going to take a break now until the 6th January when I plan to activate the Welsh Boarder 5, starting with G/WB-002, then G/WB-004, then GW/MW-013, then G/WB-003 and finally with the 1003 points on G/WB-005. This will be the aim and its took me just slightly over 7 years. If anyone want to join me please let me know.



Great report, many thanks. Very interesting to see you did it all on 2m. The chances of getting that many QSOs on VHF down here in Devon are more or less zero unless perhaps there was a 2m contest going on. :slight_smile:



Well done Paul. Sorry not to be in your log but those are difficult summits for me on 2m. So you don’t fancy Banc Llechwedd Mawr and Drosgol as your final push to MG…good memories of our joint activation but it seems you are not as fit now :thinking::rofl:…remember, you had to slow down for me :smirk:. Good luck and I’ll try and call in.

73 Allan

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Great report Paul and I was happy to get you on 3 of the 4 summits (gutted I missed the first one). Not something I had thought of doing - tackling the 4 in one day - but you’ve inspired me to have a crack at it next year.

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It was harder than I thought to be honest, its worth a go :slight_smile:


Thanks for your report and photos of what was evidently an enjoyable day out with you son. Excellent stuff! :+1:

Good luck with your planned MG activations!

73, Matthew M0JSB

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Got you on the second, heard you but missed you on the 1st one :frowning: hey ho! Well done buddy, glad to see you had a good day!

73 - Alan

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Many thanks Paul and Jamie. for the Activation of four summits, yesterday. A fine report and great photographs. Very well done indeed. I am very happy to be in your log. Congratulations in Advance for your MG status about to be achieved. 73 de Paul M0CQE.