My MG activation report: Mt. Erreniega EA2/NV-092


this is gonna be a short activation report; instead of writting a whole text I have uploaded a Video report with the story. See it down the introduction.

Many things have changed compared to how I used to do from my first SOTA experience, back on 2011.

  • My HF rig evolved from FT-817 (a trusty and still valuable rig) and nowadays, depending on the summit and weather I carry my shiny KX3, the compact LNR LD-5 or the tiny but reliable MTR-3b.
  • My VHF handheld is still the same Kenwood TH-F7e, still running the same original battery and working really well! Very glad to get some S2S with friends every now and then.
  • My antennas evolved from random vertical + tuner towards the resonant multiband EFHW: never took my tuner again, although it’s not a bad choice at all.
  • My fishpoles evolved from 7m and 1m collapsed towards 5m long and carbon fiber: very light.
  • My CW keyer evolved using several different homebrew design. Sometimes I have to replace them but using them I feel very proud and satisfied when activating on morse.
  • I acquired some mountain gear; shoes, boots, shirts, layers, hats, gloves, etc, and I have a wardrobe for all kind of weather…

Many things changed. I learnt a lot of useful things and tricks to be safe on hills. But more important; I have enjoyed very much being portable in the nature, reading interesting articles, interchanging ideas and projects, and greeting lots of friends on air.

Yes, MG is a milestone, but I want to get on and keep on enjoying so much.

Hope you enjoy my Video report here (activation date 11-Jan-2020).
Perhaps you will hear your call? Sorry I couldn’t register all the activation, but you can get the idea:

Thanks all for these pleasant years in touch by means of SOTA.
73 de Ignacio


Well done getting Mountain Goat !!

The hat is great!! (or is this Paintshop at work?). Either way - Great picture.

73 Ed DD5LP.

Hi Ed,
that would be a great hat, right? But I’m afraid this one is just Paintshop…
Cheers 73

Well done Ignacio! I always enjoy your calls!
Scott kw4jm

Nice video, congratulations, Ignacio! Who is filming, flashing V shadow?

Thanks Peter, this time my daughter Maria joined me for the event.
She’s not fan of amateur radio (a pity…) but I was glad that she came with me and recorded the setup.
I find it is difficult to attract youngsters to our hobby, I’m afraid.

73 Ignacio


Great video Ignacio - and great hat. Beautiful picture of you and your daughter Maria.

Ariel NY4G