this is gonna be a short activation report; instead of writting a whole text I have uploaded a Video report with the story. See it down the introduction.
Many things have changed compared to how I used to do from my first SOTA experience, back on 2011.
- My HF rig evolved from FT-817 (a trusty and still valuable rig) and nowadays, depending on the summit and weather I carry my shiny KX3, the compact LNR LD-5 or the tiny but reliable MTR-3b.
- My VHF handheld is still the same Kenwood TH-F7e, still running the same original battery and working really well! Very glad to get some S2S with friends every now and then.
- My antennas evolved from random vertical + tuner towards the resonant multiband EFHW: never took my tuner again, although it’s not a bad choice at all.
- My fishpoles evolved from 7m and 1m collapsed towards 5m long and carbon fiber: very light.
- My CW keyer evolved using several different homebrew design. Sometimes I have to replace them but using them I feel very proud and satisfied when activating on morse.
- I acquired some mountain gear; shoes, boots, shirts, layers, hats, gloves, etc, and I have a wardrobe for all kind of weather…
Many things changed. I learnt a lot of useful things and tricks to be safe on hills. But more important; I have enjoyed very much being portable in the nature, reading interesting articles, interchanging ideas and projects, and greeting lots of friends on air.
Yes, MG is a milestone, but I want to get on and keep on enjoying so much.
Hope you enjoy my Video report here (activation date 11-Jan-2020).
Perhaps you will hear your call? Sorry I couldn’t register all the activation, but you can get the idea:
Thanks all for these pleasant years in touch by means of SOTA.
73 de Ignacio