My first SOTA activation

On August 2nd, 2014, I did my first SOTA activation: YO/EC-017 - Rarau
It was also part of the WWFF area, YOFF-170.

I’ve made a blog post about this on YO8SEP - Ham Radio, YOFF, SOTA ...: 2014.08.02 SOTA YO/EC-017 and YOFF-170 Activation

Thank you to everyone that responded to my CQ calls and apologies to the ones that I didn’t hear/copy.


In reply to YO8SEP:

Hello Petronel,

Thanks for the summit. 71 QSO’s and 5 S2S is very good going, well done!

What helped me was that your alert details were accurate and you turned up :wink:

I hope to hear you again soon on another summit.

Best wishes

In reply to G6TUH:
Hi Mike, I was surprised that someone responded so quick after my first CQ.
Now looking on this forum I saw you passed 10k points last year, so you have “some” SOTA experience, especially on spotting.

Yes, I did put an alert for my estimated QRV and was lucky to find 14.280 free.

It was a fun activation, with some things/mistakes to learn from.
Next time I should have a WARC band antenna if a contest is running on same time.
Without an ATU and only a 7m fishpole I’m quite limited to a few antennas, mainly verticals or delta loop. I also need to research more about an antenna for the 40m band, so I can work also some close stations (YO, LZ, HA…)

I’m looking forward for more SOTA and YOFF activations.
Any advice are welcome.


BTW, do I need to do anything special to log the S2S QSOs ?

In reply to YO8SEP:
Yes, as well as entering your activation QSOs - for each S2S QSO you need to enter a Chaser entry. Enter the details just as if you had chased the other station from your home QTH but you will see that there is a checkbox “Is QSO S2S?”. Check this box and you will be asked to enter your activation reference. Then your S2S will be fully logged!

73s Andrew G4AFI

In reply to G4AFI:

Thanks for the reply.

I don’t have an antenna at Home QTH :slight_smile:
From 5 S2S, 2 were from 2 operators from same SOTA. On the Chaser log the second QSO show points as: “0 ?]”. I suppose I don’t get points from same SOTA even than are from different ham activator.

In reply to YO8SEP:
Yes the Chaser points are for the summit. So you can only claim points for a summit once each day irrespective of who activated it.

73 Andrew G4AFI