My first activation and the first activation of Is

Isaac’s Ridge at “840m” complete with a comms tower every 400m at the Southern end was a challenge to find a suitable site to set up. Interference probably from the towers made short work of both GPS’s to get a confirmed altitude. Accompanied by Stan, vk1fstj and partner Annette, we parked at the summit (862m by GPS)and packed the lecky wheelchair with the field station and wheeled back down the track to where we thought the we had passed the fringe of the activation area.(816m by the same GPS and according to APRS vk1nut-8)Did a U turn and set up back at the Summit. Using dual back to back Opek-600s in dipole configuration on a tripod on a rock outcrop, but we seemed to do quite well into Victoria considering the power lines were within 3m which produced zero noise into the IC-703.(I didn’t managed to get a squid pole in time to put the 40m dipole into action) We were later joined by John, vk1haj who had to leave his car down at the gate and walk up to find us. We managed 8 contacts -four each side of the dateline and enjoyed the whole SOTA experience.
Now to figure out the activation log. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks to all that replied and participated in the activation.

Glenn, vk1nut AKA “NUTTERS”