My 57th and possibly last SOTA birthday celebration (Part 2)

Not necessarily Guru. At the end of my stay in Spain (thanks again for the QSOs!) I was coughing. Back in Switzerland I got fever and the typical symptoms manifested. Now I’m recovering slowly.
Before getting into the plane in Spain I did two tests, and in Switzerland as well, but all were negative. Fortunately, there is still the common flu.

Best wishes, Stephan


Good luck Guru,

I miss hearing your signals coming across the ocean! So many incredible contacts!

It has been cold and snowy, and very sad after the huge wind and fire that burned more than 1000 houses only a few km to the east of here. We watched the red glow and smoke in horror.

Covid is also spreading much more now, and we are all learning of others who have caught it.

You have done much to make our world a better place. Please know that. Your spirit is strong, and we all hope for the best.




You are right, Stephan, and even a things less severe like a simple cold. But in this times of paranoia we all see Covid-19 everywhere…
Well, let’s hope for the best.

It was a pleasure for me to chase you with so good signals on 40m from EA3, as oppossed to what it usually is when you are in HB9 and around.

Thanks for your good wishes, which depart here equally corresponded to you, of course.




Fingers crossed for you Guru - and depending on when you do get out I’m hoping that I’ll be out too for a S2S ( possibly… and a big possibly G/LD-057…). My 92 yr old mum who is in very poor health got covid in the pre-vacine days and her only symptom was a sightly raised temperature - so it is down to luck and I know we are all wishing you lots of that. Best 73 Paul


Yes, unfortunately.

Dear Guru,

my thoughts are with you and I wish you strength.

May be you will chase a little bit on your birthday? Probably I’m out tomorrow to activate two summits. It would be fine to get in contact with you. Sadly DM/TH-057 is inactive since 2008.

But most important is your and your familys health. So take your time for your most important things. I wish you and your family all the best!!!

73, Ludwig

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Dear George,
I also miss hearing your signals since our 4 QSOs in November (the 3rd, 8th, 13th and 15th). When I saw the disaster on TV with all those houses and properties destroyed by the huge fires in Colorado and immediately thought of you and not hearing you on the bands or seeing you spoted on SW3 made me even fear that something might have happened to you. It’s very sad seeing such horror and destruction so close to your QTH, but I’m glad to see that you didn’t have any harm or losses from those fires and you are not activating lately due to mainly WX reasons.
I hope the crudest part of the winter will not last too long and you’ll be able to go out again for us to enjoy chasing you again from across the Pond.

It’s amazing how much and how fast the Omicron variant is spreading among us now. The good thing is that having found us mostly vaccinated, the effects are far less serious than those when this CV-19 nightmare started in 2020.

My spirit is still strong and I really hope to keep contributing to a better World or at least a better life of a certain number of its inhabitants, my family and friends all around it.

Thanks for your kind message and receive my very best wishes for you and yours in 2022.




Bloody hell brother that is terrible news.

One day at a time.


Guru, siento mucho lo que dices de la reactivación del cáncer, pero la partida no ha terminado y hay que seguir luchando. Eres fuerte.
Debes sentirte muy bien por el afecto que despiertas en todos.
Te deseo un feliz cumpleaños, de corazón. 73


Hallo Guru

All the best for your birthday -



Hi Guru,
I’m sorry to read of your family’s encounter with the Covid virus. It seems that the Omicron variant could be less trouble and a shorter period of illness than earlier variants were, and I do hope that works in your favour.
As I type here it is already the 11th so I’ll wish you a happy birthday and I hope you all come through this experience positively.
73 Andrew vk1da/2uh


Dear Guru,

happy birthday!!! :tada: :birthday: :sunflower:

73, Ludwig


Feliz cumpleaños Gurú, muchas cosas buenas que quedan por venir

73 Éric

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Happy Birthday Guru. I hope you have a good day as you can under the current circumstances.

Jimmy M0HGY


Happy birthday Guru. I hope to be on the air later. Maybe we will speak?

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Happy Birthday dear Guru! Hope to work you later

All the best

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Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Guru. Very sad to read your news here. Hope the treatment works well for you and you will be back out on the hills.

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Happy birthday, Guru! And many happy moments in any sense to follow! :four_leaf_clover: :hibiscus: :four_leaf_clover:

Best 73 es gl,
Markus HB9DIZ


Also from me Guru @EA2IF. Happy Birthday! :beers::tada::mountain_snow:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Happy Birthday Guru!
I should be on a hill after work this afternoon. I’ll try 20m SSB if you’re up for the Chase?

Cheers, Fraser

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All the best, Guru!

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