My 3rd Activation G/SP-012 Easington fell

I put a bit more thought into planning for my third activation, G/SP-012 Easington fell today, & had a very enjoyable afternoon on this very pleasant & easy to reach summit.

To try & keep weight down I only took what would be essential for 2 metres & 80m / 60m Operation, & I found it much easier than having lots of non-radio bits & pieces in my rucksack.

It was very windy on top but there is plenty of shelter within the activation zone, so I made myself comfortable behind the wall at the top of the plantation. I decided to make things a bit easier this time & started on 2m FM which brought G4BLH Mike in Nelson who kindly spotted me. There followed a further 16 QSO’s before I went to 2m SSB where I had another 7.

I had not put my aerials up as high as I would have liked due to the wind so I was unsure how well 80m SSB would work. I was pleasantly surprised though with 5 QSO’s before I went to 5MHz, which seemed to be working a little better & afforded me 6 QSO’s.

I had just switched off the main rig ready to pack up when I heard Rick M0RCP/P calling on S20 on my handheld. He was working Jordan M3TMX who was 5 points short of 2,500 chaser points. I called in & helped him on his way with 1 point from Easington fell. I checked before posting this & it seems those last 4 points eluded you today Jordan, but I don’t think it will take you long to gain them. Best of luck & very glad to have helped you get a little closer today :slight_smile:

All in all, a very enjoyable day out.

Equipment used today was:
FT897D on internal batteries (Only one used, still plenty of life left in it afterwards)
MFJ 945D Mobile ATU (Not really needed but gives more bandwidth or other bands when required)
Sotabeam SB5
80m/60m Linked dipole
2m FM = 5 Watts
2m SSB = 20 Watts
80m / 60m 20 Watts

Total weight of Rucksack including refreshments etc. 15Kgs (& of course I had to carry my helmet HI)

Thanks to everybody that worked me :slight_smile:

Some photos before the wind finally got to my antennas:


Mark G0VOF