Mwdwl-eithin GW/NW-047 - Report

Made it to the hill - yay!
Lying in bed this morning I could the rain against the window and thought, maybe this is not the day for a hill.
The weather appeared to be clearing up and at around 10:00 I decided to depart for the hill.

The drive over was around 1hr and 15mins and after finding a closed road on my route, this delayed me as I had to do a detour
Finally made it to the park up. I ended up parking at the top of the track and reversed into the little grass parking area.

Got myself suited and booted. Water proof trousers, waterproof jacket and a bright orange hat.

Set off walking and trying to avoid the puddles but that was easier said than done.
A bit of heather bashing and navigating the long grass, I arrived at the summit.
As I climbed up to the top the wind just hit me and along with some rain.

A quick dart into the shelter provided some relief from the wind and rain.

I did plan on HF and 2m but decided 2m would be the order of the day given the conditions.

Mast setup and leaning against the side of the shelter with the fireplace in it and the base of the mast wedged with some rocks.

A quick spot and CQ CQ SOTA and this gave me 10 in the log

I decided given the wind and rain appeared to be getting worse and then mist was rolling in, it was time to pack up and head back to the car

Easier on the way down but by heck it was windy. The wind was driving the rain and it felt like being hit with grit.

The car was a welcome sight

Back at the car, I started her up,
heated seat = on.
night heater =on
I removed all wet clothing that I could.
Waterproof jacket - nope - the rain made it through 2 under layers
Waterproof trousers - nope.

Soggy right foot (I think I found a couple of deep puddles)

Luckily I had driven in a spare pair of boots.

Next time I do a soggy summit, spare trousers, socks, and t-shirt will be packed.

Thanks to the 10 chasers I got in the log today.

While uploading my logs I also earned “You have been awarded the Chaser Uniques 250 badge!” :slight_smile:

This now gives me 21 points away from 100 or 921 points to earn before MG status!

M0VAZ (slighty damp around the edges)


Sorry I missed the S2S with you. I’d just got back to the car when your spot came through. I managed to miss MW7RTB as wel.

I’m not sure whether I dodged the rain or if the rain dodged me: it looked grim over Moel Famau and Clocaenog from my sunny (but windy) vantage point.


Would have been good to get a S2S in the log. Maybe next time.


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Sorry I missed your “parking” post. I used the red position (well clear of the track for any traffic). I arrived late spent the night there and was walking before dawn. The shelter at the top was a welcome surprise. I don’t think I got any views, it was misty throughout - so nice to see your pictures!

My pics might not be very good. I was having a hard time working out if the picture was in focus or not due to the rain (and phone screens don’t like working in the rain even with a cover)

Did you make use of the small fireplace to keep warm ?

:rofl:. I forgot to take any coal!

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Maybe next time
One of the pictures I took (very badly) I blame the wind and rain

Our recent visit was very wet underfoot and hampered by cows as well as by heather and holes in the ground. However we survived to walk back to the car into a beautifully lit view of greater Snowdonia. I dont’t do videos but could not resist trying. Maybe I can get it to appear here - or maybe not. An iPhone .mov - can it be done?

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Put it on Youtube and post a link.

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Thank you.

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I didn’t see any cows - maybe they were in hiding.

(c) John Kelly

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Indeed, maybe they were. CQ cow CQ cow Cw cow

This, being my first effort, for what it is worth.



They were very well spread out and had a very large area to wander off into.

I did see some big piles of poo that I knew were not sheep (unless the hill had some massive sheep on it)

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Viki’s is a closer view.

She apologises for the wobble - very first attempt and not actually intended!
About 2 min earlier than mine - hence the sun.

Well, we both had to start somewhere - or perhaps better not!