MTB SOTA activation of Mount Whitney

Not the big one here in California. This is a one-pointer summit here in the northern portion of San Diego County . This SOTA activation was part of a 17 mile MTB outing with about 2,500ft of climbing. It was a good day to be both out on a bike and playing radio.

Bill, N6MTB


Given which Whitney you rode, I expected the video to be nothing but 6 ft wide dirt sidewalks. Looks like you got a nice amount of some nice looking singletrack! I’d call that a MTB SOTA success.

QSO recording over the trail footage is turning out real nice.

Thanks for sharing!

WoW loved the trail ride included in your radio time on the summit.
Few skills involved to keep it upright on that trail.
Ian vk5cz …

Thanks. This route turned out better than I expected. I have really been enjoying meshing up mountain biking and SOTA.

Bill, N6MTB

Bill’s got skills.