Mt. San Cristobal EA2/NV-119 & San Martin EA2/NV-151 by EA2IF/P on 07/03/2015

My Saturday morning activations of Mt. San Cristóbal on 2m FM couldn’t take place every Saturday over the month of February due to ice/snow, rain and family events.
We’ve got the most rainy February in many, many decades, but the blue sky and warm temperatures finally came here and I’ve been able to actívate not only Mt. San Cristóbal this morning, but also Mt. San Martin in the afternoon-evening.
The morning activation only produced 2 QSOs, one with Manuel EA2DT and the other one with Jorge EA2LU. After some unreplied CQ calls, since the views were so beautiful, I spent some Little time to take some pictures. Let me share them with you:

This last one is a view of the city of Pamplona as I was just about to complete my descent…

After my last HF activation on January 25th I was more than eager about activating on HF again, and given the nice sunshine and the warm temperatures we’ve got today, I decided to go actívate this afternoon an easy one which is close to my QTH.
I took my home made magnetic loop antenna and I placed it in the NorthWest-SouthEast direction hoping for some DX chasers from Northamerica.
In my Alert I said I would work 30, 20, 12 and 2m but I miscalculated the timing and I finally worked 20m CW only.
The activation was successful, having worked 25 stations, 5 of which were DX from USA and Canada.
This is the log:

I must apologize because I unwantedly worked with just 2.5 watts from the begining up to the QSO with Roy G4SSH. Then I realised the mistake, increased power up to 5 watts and some more DX from Northamerica and the Canary Islands made it to the log.
Thank you for your calls and spots.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF