Mountain Hunter (VHF) Award

Following representations from some Chasers it has been decided to extend the scope of the VHF only version of the Mountain Hunter Awards to include 50MHz contacts.

Principally this has been changed to ensure countries which do not have access to 70MHz can still claim contatcs below the 2m band. The other bands remain unchanged and do include 222MHz and 902MHz contacts where these are legal amateur bands.


Barry GM4TOE
SOTA Awards Manager

In reply to GM4TOE:

The database is now aware of this change and Mountain Hunter VHF Awards includes 50MHz amongst the bands counted.


In reply to KD9KC:

Yes. Also 900MHz QSOs now get counted. The software had a typo before so they were ignored.


Happy to help Mike. Your proposal was a well-reasoned and sensible one, and it didn’t take much discussion to agree it was the right thing to do!

Happy 50MHzing!